Dr. Wagner Jr.

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Dr. Wagner Jr.
Dr. Wagner Jr.
Name Dr. Wagner Jr.
Real name Juan Manuel González Barrón
Nicknames El Galeno del Mal (The Evil Doctor) / El Galeno del Bien (After he became Tecnico)/La Eminencia Clínica Del Ring/El Clínico Del Ring
Name history Dr. Wagner Jr. (debut - 2017 ), Rey Wagner (2017-)
Family Dr. Wagner (father), Silver King (brother), Rossy Moreno (former wife), Leon Del Ring (nephew), Hijo del Dr. Wagner and Galeno del Mal (sons)
Maestro(s) Gran Markus, Dr. Wagner
Birth date, location August 12, 1965 - Torreón, Coahuila
Obituary date
Debut, location April 7, 1986 - Monterrey, Nuevo León
Lost mask to Psycho Clown - August 26, 2017 - Arena Ciudad de México
Height 5'10"/177 cms
Weight 216 lbs/98 kg
Signature moves Wagner Driver, Death Valley Driver, Splash Mountain, Top-Rope Diamond Cutter, Flying Splash, Flying Senton, Tiger Driver, Running Lariat, Running Somersault Plancha (off the apron), Running Somersault Plancha (off the ramp), Dragon Screw Leg Whip
Titles: Northern Mexico Heavyweight Championship, UWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship, CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship[3], CMLL World Trios Championship (3, w/ Gran Markus Jr. & El Hijo del Gladiador - La Ola Blanca, w/ Blue Panther & Black Warrior - Los Laguneros, w/ Fuerza Guerrera & Blue Panther), CMLL World Tag Team Championship (4, w/ Canek, w/ Silver King, w/ Emilio Charles Jr., w/ Último Guerrero), New Japan Pro Wrestling: IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/ Kendo Kashin), WWC Hardcore Championship, UWA World Heavyweight Championship, WWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Championship, AAA World Heavyweight Championship (3), 2009 AAA Lucha Libre Premier Championship, AAA Latin American Title, IWL International Heavyweight Title, LyC Tag Team Championship (w/Silver King), AULL Copa Universo 2013, FMLL World Tag Team Titles (w/Hijo del Dr. Wagner), IWRG Intercontinental Heavywieght
Wrestling Observer Hall Of Fame Member



Dr. Wagner Jr. was a top tecnico for CMLL after starting out as a rudo. He's a young legend to the fans, a wrestler with international experience (and success!) and capable of a great match when he wants one. Dr. Wagner is one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico, and an iconic figure.

Wagner turned tecnico following the death of his father. The change was fan inspired; Wagner was in a four way mask match on the first Arena Mexico show after his father's passing, and the fans did not want him to lose his mask that night under any circumstances. Wagner did not lose his mask, and the crowd clung to him after that moment. Wagner and the promotion tried to go back to the status quo after, but the fans cheered him enough to make a change.

Dr. Wagner becoming a tecnico had ripple affects across the promotion. Since he was feuding with Canek, Canek had to turn rudo to continue it. Later, in 2005, the fans loudly picked Wagner over Atlantis when they were setting up a mask versus mask match, to the point where Atlantis was tainted as a tecnico (and had to be turned rudo) and Wagner had become so popular, the match couldn't be done at a profit to all sides.

Even though the mask match never took place, Atlantis and Wagner continued to be rivals, with the idea all sides might one day do the match in a different arena where the money works out better. (The feud with Canek slipped to the wayside.)

Dr. Wagner began a feud with LA Park. As with Atlantis, the crowd turned on LA Park with no prompting, and he responded in kind. Wagner stuck up for the people of "his house", and he and Park had violent brawls.

Wagner often teamed with Mistico, as a big brother/protector to the smaller wrestler. He also teamed with his newly unmasked brother, Silver King, who has been wrestling in some locales as Dr. Wagner Jr. II or el Hermano de Dr. Wagner Jr. Wagner has shown himself capable of wrestling Japanese junior and lucha technical styles.


Dr. Wagner Jr. jumped ship to the rival AAA promotion. Wagner main evented AAA's Triplemania event facing El Mesias for the AAA World Heavyweight Championship. Wagner won the match and defended the title successfully against El Mesias and also headlining the Verano De Escandalo event facing El Mesias and Cibernetico in a cage. He was successful in that title defense also.

Wagner formed a stable called Los Wagnermaniacos, featuring his real life brother, Silver King, Electroshock, and El Ultimo Gladiador.

Post AAA

Wagner left AAA in 2013 and headed for the indies as a main eventer. Has appeared everywhere including All Elite, IWRG, Llaves y Candados, IWL, AULL, UWE, and Todo X El Todo. Wagner has also done tours in Japan and appeared in indies in the U.S.A. Appeared in the main event of Masked Mania. On August 5, 2014, Wagner again returned to AAA to take part in TripleMania XXII. In 2015, Wagner wrestled in the Lucha World Cup and briefly returned to CMLL. Formed a stable with his family called La Dinastia Wagner. In 2016 he returned to AAA and also debuted in Lucha Underground.

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
??/??/?? mask Dr. Wagner Jr. Jungla del Norte ¿¿¿???
??/??/?? hair Dr. Wagner Jr. Brazo de Oro ¿¿¿???
1988/??/?? mask Dr. Wagner Jr. Drago Arena Neza - Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico State
2003/11/14 hair Dr. Wagner Jr. Rey Misterio Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
2006/04/19 hair Dr. Wagner Jr. Pierroth Arena Coliseo De Acapulco
2008/08/30 hair(1) Dr. Wagner Jr. Green Demon I Saltillo, Coahuila
2009/03/07 hair(2) Dr. Wagner Jr. Mascara Año 2000 Parque de beisbol Hmos. Herdan, Puebla
2013/08/05 mask Dr. Wagner Jr. Mascara Año 2000 Jr. Arena Cd. de México, Ciudad de Mexico
2017/06/04 masks (3) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Psycho Clown Carta Brava Jr. & Soul Rocker Gimnasio Municipal Josue Neri Santos - Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua
17/08/26 mask Psycho Clown Dr. Wagner Jr. Arena Ciudad de México - Mexico City
18/10/28 hair Rey Wagner Jeff Jarrett Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo - Puebla, Puebla
19/08/03 hair Blue Demon Jr. Rey Wagner Arena Ciudad de México - Mexico City
20/12/06 hair Rey Wagner Máscara Año 2000 Jr. Arena Nacualpan - Estado de México, Estado de México
(1)16 man elimination match; 2 finals of a cage match with Universo 2000; (3) Triangle Tag Team match along with Murder Clown & Zombie Clown


The Doc tells off KeMonito
w/Cobarde II
Tag Champ w/Ultimo Guerrero
two belts

with his pretend WWC Hardcore Title
UWA Title Match (Guadalajara)
vs. Ultimo Guerrero
se me respeta
Bien Bien Bien
vs. Blue Demon
w/Hijo del Santo
close up

Sobre el Ring
in AAA
as AAA World Heavyweight Champion
2009 AAA Lucha Libre Premier champion
with AAA Latin American Title

as IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion
Octagonesque Mask
with Soul Rocker's mask
Universal Wrestling Association Championships
Official: Heavy (Dr. Wagner Jr.)
Outlaw: Light (Kato Kung Lee Jr.), Junior Light Heavy (Diluvio Negro II)
Now in Japan: Welter, Middle, Junior Heavy, Tag, Trios,
Defunct: Feather, Light Heavy, Women, International Women, Women Junior, Women's Tag,
Associated: WWF Light Heavy