Originally an AJPW trainee. Came to Mexico around 2004, as an early match/midcard rudo who would team with whomever Japanese wrestlers were in Mexico on an excursion. Okumura's position on the card would change depending on who was in for him to team with; if there was no one, he'd usually be a second match on the card rudo and usual suspect when it came to losing a multi-man hair match.
CMLL moved Okumura up the card late in 2009, having him win the Gran Alternativa despite being much older and more experienced than the usual tournament entrants. Okumura also defeated Maximo in a hair match, and has stuck in a semimain position since.
Okumura plays a big role in the CMLL/NJPW alliance as a go-between, interpreter, emissary, and host. His role as partner to visiting Japanese wrestlers allows him to work as mid match Japanese to Spanish translator, and he seems to help get them used to life in Mexico. Okumura also accompanied Mistico to Japan in 2009, occasionally working opening matches but more translating in the other direction, translating for the CMLL tecnico. Also when Japanese wrestlers appear on CMLL Informa for interviews, Okumura appears as interpreter and translator.