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== Profile ==
== Profile ==
|image=Ultimo Guerrero unmasked 20148769661115262 n.jpg
|name=Último Guerrero (Last Warrior)  
|name=Último Guerrero (Last Warrior)  
|realName= José Gutierrez Hernández
|nicknames="El Ultimo de su Estirpe", "El Luchador de Otro Nivel"
|nameHistory=Cóndor Dorado (debut), El Flanagan (90 - 96) Último Guerrero (96 - )  
|nameHistory=Cóndor Dorado (debut), El Flanagan (90 - 96) Último Guerrero (96 - )  
|family=none <i>(not related to [[Safari]] and [[Último Rebelde]])</i>
|family=[[Lluvia]] (wife), [[Último Guerrero Jr.]] (brother), <i>(NOT related to [[Safari]] and [[Último Rebelde]])</i>  
|maestro=[[Tinito]], [[Halcón Suriano]]
|maestro=[[Trinito]], [[Halcón Suriano]]
|birthdate=[[March 1]], [[1972]] - [[Gómez Palacio]], [[Durango]]
|birthdate=[[March 1]], [[1972]] - [[Gómez Palacio]], [[Durango]]
|debut=[[September 1990]] - [[Gómez Palacio]], [[Durango]]
|debut=at least as early as [[June 14]], [[1990]] [http://www.thecubsfan.com/cmll/images/cards/1990Laguna/19900614aol.png] - [[Gómez Palacio]], [[Durango]]
|lostmaskto=[[Atlantis]] - [[September 19]], [[2014]] - [[Arena México]]
|height=5'8"/173 cms  
|height=5'8"/173 cms  
|weight=210 lbs/93 kg  
|weight=210 lbs/93 kg  
|signatureMoves=[[Guerrero Special]] (Reverse Superplex)
|signatureMoves=[[Guerrero Special]], [[Guerrero Special II]], [[La Cruz del Guerrero]], [[Guerrero Submission Special]], [[Mexican Stretch II|Pulpo Guerrero]], [[Senton de la Muerte]], [[Moonsault Fallaway Slam]], [[Veneno Guerrero]]
|titles=[[Laguna Tag Team Titles]] (w/ [[Super Punk]]), [[CMLL World Tag Team Titles]] (w/ [[Rey Bucanero]]), [[CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title]]
|titles=[[Laguna Tag Team Titles]] (w/ [[Luciferno|Super Punk]]), [[CMLL World Tag Team Titles]] (6, 3 w/ [[Rey Bucanero]], 1 w/[[Dr. Wagner Jr.]], 1 w/[[Atlantis]], 1 w/[[Dragon Rojo Jr.]]), [[CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title]], [[PRI Circuito Tag Team Titles]] (w/ [[Rey Bucanero]]), Torneo [[Gran Alternativa]] 1999 (w/ [[Blue Panther]] as a rookie) & 2008-2011 (w/ [[Dragon Rojo Jr.]] & w/ [[Escorpion]]  as a veteran), [[WWA World Tag Team Championship]] (w/[[Perro Aguayo Jr.]]), [[Gran Prix|Grand Prix Jr. CMLL]] (2, w/ 2006, 2007), [[CMLL World Trios Championship]] (5, w/[[Atlantis]] & [[Tarzan Boy]], w/ [[Atlantis]] & [[Negro Casas]], w/ [[Euforia]] & [[Niebla Roja]], w/ [[Euforia]] & [[Gran Guerrero]] (2)), [[TNA 2008 World X Cup]] (W/ [[Volador Jr.]], [[Rey Bucanero]] & [[Averno]]); [[CMLL World Heavyweight Title]] (2), [[CMLL Universal Tournament]] 2009, [[Lucha Libre Azteca Title]], [[UWE World Tag Team Championship]] (w/[[Atlantis]]), [[Copa Bobby Bonales|Copa Bobby Bonales 2014]], [[CMLL Universal Tournament]] 2014, [[NWA World Historic Middleweight Championship]],  FMLL World Tag Team Titles (w/[[Gran Guerrero]])
== Bio ==
=== English ===
Ultimo Guerrero is one of the most important luchadors at the international level. Thanks to his power, speed, and performance, Ulitmo Guerrero has been one of the top luchadors in [[CMLL]], and the world, over the last decade.
Ultimo Guerrero started in [[Gomez Palacio]], [[Durango]], an area that has produced many luchadors before and after him. Guerrero started as Flanagan, winning championships in his local area under that name.
In 1996, Flanagan became Ultimo Guerrero. He and his friend [[Ultimo Rebelde]] moved to Mexico City and started a team in [[Promo Azteca]]. The two were very poor early in the career, sleeping on the floor of their gym or their workplace, a mask/costume designer. The team had success as a mid card rudo team, but when they were scheduled to compete in a tag team apuesta match (and expected to lose), Ultimo Guerrero jumped to CMLL with no notice. [[Ultimo Rebelde]] lost his mask alone and the team was broken up.
Ultimo Guerrero quickly found a rival in suicidal tecnico [[Mr. Aguila]]. Guerrero was just starting with CMLL, but Aguila was himself starting with the WWF, who were not interested in masked wrestlers. CMLL thought highly off both wrestlers, and placed their mask versus mask as the main event of the [[CMLL 65th Anniversario|CMLL 65th Anniversary show]]. Ultimo Guerrero defeated Mr. Aguila for his mask, spotlighting him as a future star.
Ultimo Guerrero continued to make steady progress from there. [[Blue Panther]] and he won the [[Gran_Alternativa#1999|April 1998 Gran Alternativa tournament]], Guerrero winning the right to be in the main event for the following three weeks. Guerrero also won a top contenders Torneo Cibernetico, earning a title match with [[NWA World Middleweight Championship|NWA World Middleweight Champion]] [[Great Sasuke]]. Guerrero was unable to win the belt, but started to establish his name on an international level.
In 2000, [[Satanico]] formed a new version of his long running [[Los Infernales]] group, bringing it both Guerrero and [[Rey Bucanero]] as junior members of the trio. Bucanero and Guerrero also formed a tag team, which quickly became regarded as one of the best pairs in Mexico and around the world. The two started off by winning the [[CMLL World Tag Team Championship]] thru a [[CMLL World Tag Team Tournament, 2000|a tournament in 2000]]. The two would trade the title back with the super legend team of [[El Hijo del Santo]] & [[Negro Casas]] over the last few years.
Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero broke with Satanico in 2001, joining forces with [[Tarzan Boy]] but keeping the Los Infernales name. Satanico led various groups of rudos to reclaim the name of his own, before finally creating new proteges [[Averno]] & [[Mephisto]]. Mascara Magica, a rival of Averno in his previous incarnation as Rencor Latino, joined the Guerrero version of the Infernales. Though injuries to participants slowed the feud down at times, the seven core wrestlers met in a cage match where the both the masks/hairs were on the line, but also the rights to the name to Los Infernales. Satanico won it for his team, taking Mascara Magica's mask. Guerrero's faction renamed itself as [[Guerreros del Infierno]], and found success under that name.
The group would turn on Magica with a year, but the trio of [[Ultimo Guerrero]], [[Rey Bucanero]] and [[Tarzan Boy]] were considered the best trio for a number of years. They never won the trios titles as a unit, perhaps because they already held other championships, but they were usually together in main events. As a team, Bucanero & Guerrero defended their tag team titles against such teams as [[Damian 666]] & [[Halloween]], [[Hijo del Santo]] & [[Negro Casas]], [[Atlantis]] & [[Blue Panther]], and [[Vampiro]] & [[Shocker]]. As a single, [[Ultimo Guerrero]] won the [[CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship]], defeated top tecnico of the moment [[Shocker]]. Guerrero had more than 20 defenses, and was considered one of the best or the best luchador in CMLL thru the 00s.
Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero sometimes traveled outside of Mexico, representing CMLL and also faced foreigners brought in Mexico. Guerrero had a long, indecisive feud with [[Ultimo Dragon]], and the two together fought the likes of [[Jado]], [[Gedo]], [[Hirooki Goto]], [[Great Muta]], and [[Tiger Mask]].
The era of Bucanero/Guerrero ended in 2006, when Bucanero fell out with his teammates and moved to tecnico side. The Guerreros del Infierno became [[Guerreros del Atlantida]] after [[Atlantis]] joined to take Bucanero's place, with others like [[Olimpico]], [[Eclipse]], [[Sangre Azteca]] and [[Dragon Rojo Jr.]] passing thru the group. Toscano too eventually joined the tecnico side, leaving the group.
On his own, Ultimo Guerrero won the [[CMLL World Heavyweight Championship]], racking up a similar defense record to his light heavyweight championship reign. Guerrero also won the [[Gran Prix#2006|2006]] & [[Gran Prix#2007|2007]] CMLL Gran Prix, and the [[CMLL Universal Tournament#2009|2009 CMLL Universal Championship]]. As a part of a team representing CMLL, Ultimo Guerrero won the [[2008 TNA World X Cup]].
=== Espanol ===
Ultimo Guerrero se ha convertido en uno de los luchadores Mexicanos mas importantes a nivel Internacional, pues gracias a su accionar, ritmo y rendimiento es de las cartas fuertes del CMLL para convertirse en empresa Internacional...
Ultimo Guerrero comenzo su historia en su natal Gomez Palacio Durango, la tierra que en los ultimo años a sido el semillero mas basto de luchadores, pues hombres como [[Sombra]], [[Diamante Negro]] y mas antiguos como los Hermanos Wagner & [[Blue Panther]]. Siempre ha sido un luchador revolucionado y eso le valipo emigrar rapidamente ala ciudad de Mexico eh integrarse con un comtenporaneo ala empresa de Promo Azteca en donde formo una pareja solida y fuerte llamada los Holligan´s junto a su amigo [[Ultimo Rebelde]] (hoy Holligan CMLL).
Ya habia sido ganador del Campeonato de Parejas de la Laguna en compañia del Ultimo Rebelde cuando Ultimo Guerrero era llamada el Flanagan. A finales de 1997 se dio su ingreso al CMLL en donde pronto llamo la atencion de los aficionados y despues de envolverse en una rivalidad fuerte en contra de un suicida como [[Mr. Aguila]] se llego ala Lucha de Mascara ... Debido al poderio que ambos gladiadores mostraban, la juventus que poseian y no ser aun consagrados de esa empresa... seles otorgo la oportunidad de ser los estelares de la Funcion del 65 Aniversario de la Lucha Libre en Mexico arrojando la derrota de Mr. Aguila y haciendo que el Ultimo Guerrero se valuara como un luchador super estelar ya dentro del CMLL.
En 1999 viene la cimentacion en el plan estelar del Ultimo Guerrero pues al participar en el Torneo Anual de la Gran Alternativa es el ganador junto a su Veterano e idolo [[Blue Panther]] esto le valio en convertirse en un luchador en el plan estelar y del cual ya no bajo de nivel en las carteleras. En el 2000 [[Satanico]] uno de los luchadores y rudos de mas respeto rescata el concepto de los poderosos Infernales los cuales manda llamar a Ultimo Guerrero y [[Rey Bucanero]] para integrar este dueto. El acoplamiento entre estos dos luchadores fue tal que se apoderan del Campeonato Mundial de Parejas del CMLL despues de una aliminatoria, ambos luchadores fueron presprados por el [[Satanico]]. Poco mas de un año despues Ultimo Guerrero & [[Rey Bucanero]] deciden independisarse del [[Satanico]] pero tambien apoderarse del concepto de los Infernales, cuestion que el Satanico no permitio y en una lucha en Relevos Australianos y teniendo de por medio el nombre de los Infernales, Satanico acompañado de [[Shocker]] & [[Black Warrior]] ganan el nombre de los Infernales a [[Ultimo Guerrero]], [[Rey Bucanero]] & [[Tarzan Boy]], tras esta derrota se da a conocer la nueva faccion de LOS GUERREROS DEL INFIERNO.
Los Guerreros del Infierno han sido considerado como uno de los mas poderosos y mejores equipos dentro de la Lucha Libre... como pareja se apoderaron del Campeonato Mundial de Parejas del CMLL haciendo sendas defensas en contra de parejas poderosisimas como [[Damian 666]] & [[Halloween]], [[Hijo del Santo]] & [[Negro Casas]], [[Atlantis]] & [[Blue Panther]], [[Vampiro]] & [[Lizmark Jr.]]. Ultimo Guerrero en solitario logro destronar del Campeonato Mundial Semicompleto al considerado en ese momento el mejor luchador del CMLL, [[Shocker]], llego a realizar mas de 20 defensas contra  hombres como [[Atlantis]], [[Shocker]], [[Blue Panther]], [[Lizmark Jr.]], [[Terrible]], [[Stuka I]], [[Dos Caras Jr.]] & [[L.A. Park]].
Durante la epoca de los Guerreros del Infierno viajaron muchas ocasiones a Estados Unidos y Japon en donde antes hombres como [[Ultimo Dragon]]. Junto a Rey Bucanero fue el encargado de recibir en Mexico a hombres como [[Jado]], [[Gedo]], [[Goto]], [[Great Muta]] y [[Tiger Mask]].
A mediados del 2006 Ultimo Guerrero es mandado llamar por la empresa Italiana de la NWE en donde constantemente en llevado a dar muestra de su poderio en el viejo continente... Por esas fechas en Mexico, se disuelve la faccion de los Guerreros del Infierno pues la incorporacion del rudo del momento Atlantis a ellos no le gusto a Rey Bucanero que decide cambiar a loS Tecnicos.... Asi nace el nuevo grupo llamado los Guerreros de la Atlantida ya con la incorporacion de hombres como [[Atlantis]], [[Olimpico]] & [[Toscano]].
El grupo siguio igual de fuerte pero Ultimo Guerrero es destronado del Mundial Semicompleto CMLL, Campeonato del cual habia sido el eterno Campeon. Ultimo Guerrero en compañia de Tarzan Boy y Atlantis ganan el Mundial de Trios del CMLL.
Ademas de que en el 2006 y 2007 gana los torneos de Grand Prix Jr. CMLL.
En el 2008 se anuncia la unicon de CMLL y TNA, empresa en la cual el ha mostrado un accionar
ecepcional y de los cual se menciona su posible incorporacion a esta empresa Estadounidense...Junto a Rey Bucanero, [[Averno]] & [[Volador Jr.]] ganan para el CMLL la WORD X CUP TNA 2008....
El 19 de septiembre de 2014, en el 81 aniversario de la Arena México, pierde la máscara frente a Atlantis. Lucha en la cual el propio Último Guerrero se despojó de la máscara después de 24 años de trayectoria luchística y dijo llamarse José Gutierrez Hernández.
=== Lists ===
==== Groups ====
* Los Holligans: (w/ [[Ultimo Rebelde]])
* [[Los Infernales|Los Infernales 2000]]: (w/ [[Satanico]] & [[Rey Bucanero]])
* [[Guerreros de la Atlantida|Los Guerreros del Infierno]]: (w/ [[Rey Bucanero]] & [[Tarzan Boy]])
* [[Guerreros de la Atlantida|Los Guerreros de la Atlantida]]: (w/ [[Atlantis]], [[Olimpico]], [[Toscano]] & [[Sangre Azteca]])
* [[Los Laguneros|La Ola Lagunera]]: (w/ [[Blue Panther]], [[Dragon Rojo Jr.]], [[Misterioso II]] & [[Black Warrior]])
* [[Guerreros Laguneros]]: (w/[[Euforia]] & [[Gran Guerrero]])
==== Promotions ====
* [[Promo Azteca]]
* [[CMLL]]
* [[NJPW]]
* [[TNA]]
==== Partners ====
* [[Rey Bucanero]]
* [[Toscano]]
* [[Sangre Azteca]]
* [[Atlantis]]
* [[Blue Panther]]
* [[Ultimo Rebelde]]
==== Rivals ====
* [[Hijo del Santo]]
* [[Atlantis]]
* [[Mistico]]
* [[Shocker]]
* [[L.A. Park]]
* [[Perro Aguayo Jr.]]

<br clear=all>
== Luchas de apuestas record ==
== Luchas de apuestas record ==
{{aline|98/09/11|mask|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Mr. Águila]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[1994]]/[[08/25]]|hair<ref>commission threw out the outcome of the match due to referee favoring Flanagan, Megatron never got his hair cut. A rematch was order, unclear if it actually occurred.</ref>|[[Último Guerrero|Flanagan]]|[[Megatron]]|[[Arena Olimpico Laguna]]}}
{{aline|02/11/17|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Cuchillo]]|Arena Nueva Aragón - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[1998]]/[[09/11]]|mask|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Mr. Águila]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2002]]/[[01/03]]|mask|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Star I]]|Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gomez Palacio, Durango}}
{{aline|[[2002]]/[[11/17]]|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Cuchillo]]|Arena Nueva Aragón - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2006]]/[[08/10]]|hair|Último Guerrero|[[Stuka]]|Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gomez Palacio, Durango}}
{{aline|[[2007]]/[[09/29]]|mask|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Guerrero Zulu]]|Palenque de la Feria - Chiapas}}
{{aline|[[2007]]/[[11/03]]|hair <ref>RULETA DE LA MUERTE: [[Mistico]], [[Damian 666]], [[Averno]], [[Dr. Wagner Jr.]], [[Atlantis]] & [[Hector Garza]]</ref>|Último Guerrero|[[Super Parka]]|Arena Monterrey - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon}}
{{aline|[[2008]]/[[12/18]]|mask <ref>Finals of Ruelta de la Muerta, [[Difunto II]] was subbing for the injured [[Rey Hechicero]]</ref>|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Difunto II]]|[[Arena Monterrey]] - [[Monterrey]]}}
{{aline|[[2009]]/[[03/20]]|mask|Último Guerrero|[[Villano V]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2010]]/[[11/19]]|hair<ref>Finals of a Ruleta Rusa w/[[Toscano]], [[Místico]], [[Sagrado]], [[Misterioso II]], [[Felino]], [[Shigeo Okumura]]</ref>|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Scorpio Jr.]]|[[Deportivo Agustin Millan]] - [[Toluca]]}}
{{aline|[[2014]]/[[09/19]]|mask|[[Atlantis]]|[[Último Guerrero]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2015]]/[[07/17]]|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Rey Escorpion]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2018]]/[[11/03]]|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Corsario Negro Jr.]]|[[Arena San Juan Pantitlan]]}}
{{aline|[[2019]]/[[03/02]]|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Caifán]]|[[Arena San Juan Pantitlan]]}}
{{aline|[[2019]]/[[05/31]]|hair|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Máscara Año 2000]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}
{{aline|[[2019]]/[[09/27]]|hair <ref>Finals of a Cagematch</ref>|[[Último Guerrero]]|[[Negro Casas]]|Arena México - Mexico City}}

== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==
{{Gallery|name=Fglanagan.JPG|caption=as Flanagan}}
{{Gallery|name=Elultimodeloswarriors.JPG|caption=as Flanagan}}
{{Gallery|name=Superpunkyflanagan.JPG|caption=With Super Punk}}
{{Gallery|name=UltimoGuerrero-PA.jpg|caption=another early shot}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimos.JPG|caption=with [[Último Rebelde]]}}
{{Gallery|name=ultimoguerrero.jpg|caption=2002 - Infernales}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimoguerrero-titles.jpg|caption=CMLL LH and Tag Champ}}
{{Gallery|name=UltimoGuerrero22.jpg|caption=Coacalco June 2006}}
{{Gallery|name=cmlltag_drwagnerjrultimogurrero.jpg|caption=as [[CMLL World Tag Team Championship|CMLL Tag Champ]] w/[[Dr. Wagner Jr.]]}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimoguerrerocampeonazteca.jpg|caption=as [[Lucha Libre Azteca Championship|LLA Champ]]}}
<br clear=all>
{{Gallery|name=UG8.JPG|caption=Coliseo GDL}}
{{Gallery|name=WvsG.JPG|caption=Vs.[[Dr. Wagner Jr.]]}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimo guerrero gdl.JPG|caption=}}
{{Gallery|name=Hijo_del_santo_2_by_kimbal.jpg|caption=vs [[Hijo del Santo]]}}
{{Gallery|name=06_Ultimo_Guerrero.jpg‎ |caption=Con la Máscara destrozada por los Villanos.}}
{{Gallery|name=Ugc.jpg‎ |caption=2004}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimo-guerrero.jpg|caption=as [[CMLL World Tag Team Championship|CMLL Tag Team Champ]]}}
{{Gallery|name=Infernalesfall90s.jpg|caption=[[Satanico]], [[Rey Bucanero]] & [[Último Guerrero]]}}
{{Gallery|name=Ultimo guerrero.JPG|caption=w/ [[Atlantis]] vs [[Jon Strongman]]}}
{{Gallery|name=Uwetag atlantis ultimoguerrero.jpg|caption=as [[UWE World Tag Team Championship|UWE World Tag Team Champions]], w/[[Atlantis]]}}
<br clear=all>
{{Gallery|name=Los_guerreros_laguneros_ultimo_guerrero_euforia_gran_guerrero_01.jpg|caption=Los [[Guerreros Laguneros]],[[Último Guerrero]], [[Gran Guerrero]] & [[Euforia]]}}
{{Gallery|name=FB_IMG_1551604803172.jpg|caption=winning [[Caifán]]'s hair}}
{{Gallery|name=FB IMG 1559362809713.jpg|caption=}}
<br clear=all>

== Sources ==
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Altimo_Guerrero Wikipedia bio]

[[Category:Mexican wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Mexican wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Current CMLL wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Current CMLL wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:TNA wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Former IWRG wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Former Promo Azteca Wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Trainers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:NJPW wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Former CMLL Japan wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]][[category:ROH wrestlers|Ultimo Guerrero]]
[[Category:Current DTU wrestlers]]

Latest revision as of 10:16, 14 September 2024


Último Guerrero (Last Warrior)
Último Guerrero (Last Warrior)
Name Último Guerrero (Last Warrior)
Real name José Gutierrez Hernández
Nicknames "El Ultimo de su Estirpe", "El Luchador de Otro Nivel"
Name history Cóndor Dorado (debut), El Flanagan (90 - 96) Último Guerrero (96 - )
Family Lluvia (wife), Último Guerrero Jr. (brother), (NOT related to Safari and Último Rebelde)
Maestro(s) Trinito, Halcón Suriano
Birth date, location March 1, 1972 - Gómez Palacio, Durango
Obituary date n/a
Debut, location at least as early as June 14, 1990 [1] - Gómez Palacio, Durango
Lost mask to Atlantis - September 19, 2014 - Arena México
Height 5'8"/173 cms
Weight 210 lbs/93 kg
Signature moves Guerrero Special, Guerrero Special II, La Cruz del Guerrero, Guerrero Submission Special, Pulpo Guerrero, Senton de la Muerte, Moonsault Fallaway Slam, Veneno Guerrero
Titles: Laguna Tag Team Titles (w/ Super Punk), CMLL World Tag Team Titles (6, 3 w/ Rey Bucanero, 1 w/Dr. Wagner Jr., 1 w/Atlantis, 1 w/Dragon Rojo Jr.), CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title, PRI Circuito Tag Team Titles (w/ Rey Bucanero), Torneo Gran Alternativa 1999 (w/ Blue Panther as a rookie) & 2008-2011 (w/ Dragon Rojo Jr. & w/ Escorpion as a veteran), WWA World Tag Team Championship (w/Perro Aguayo Jr.), Grand Prix Jr. CMLL (2, w/ 2006, 2007), CMLL World Trios Championship (5, w/Atlantis & Tarzan Boy, w/ Atlantis & Negro Casas, w/ Euforia & Niebla Roja, w/ Euforia & Gran Guerrero (2)), TNA 2008 World X Cup (W/ Volador Jr., Rey Bucanero & Averno); CMLL World Heavyweight Title (2), CMLL Universal Tournament 2009, Lucha Libre Azteca Title, UWE World Tag Team Championship (w/Atlantis), Copa Bobby Bonales 2014, CMLL Universal Tournament 2014, NWA World Historic Middleweight Championship, FMLL World Tag Team Titles (w/Gran Guerrero)
Wrestling Observer Hall Of Fame Member



Ultimo Guerrero is one of the most important luchadors at the international level. Thanks to his power, speed, and performance, Ulitmo Guerrero has been one of the top luchadors in CMLL, and the world, over the last decade.

Ultimo Guerrero started in Gomez Palacio, Durango, an area that has produced many luchadors before and after him. Guerrero started as Flanagan, winning championships in his local area under that name.

In 1996, Flanagan became Ultimo Guerrero. He and his friend Ultimo Rebelde moved to Mexico City and started a team in Promo Azteca. The two were very poor early in the career, sleeping on the floor of their gym or their workplace, a mask/costume designer. The team had success as a mid card rudo team, but when they were scheduled to compete in a tag team apuesta match (and expected to lose), Ultimo Guerrero jumped to CMLL with no notice. Ultimo Rebelde lost his mask alone and the team was broken up.

Ultimo Guerrero quickly found a rival in suicidal tecnico Mr. Aguila. Guerrero was just starting with CMLL, but Aguila was himself starting with the WWF, who were not interested in masked wrestlers. CMLL thought highly off both wrestlers, and placed their mask versus mask as the main event of the CMLL 65th Anniversary show. Ultimo Guerrero defeated Mr. Aguila for his mask, spotlighting him as a future star.

Ultimo Guerrero continued to make steady progress from there. Blue Panther and he won the April 1998 Gran Alternativa tournament, Guerrero winning the right to be in the main event for the following three weeks. Guerrero also won a top contenders Torneo Cibernetico, earning a title match with NWA World Middleweight Champion Great Sasuke. Guerrero was unable to win the belt, but started to establish his name on an international level.

In 2000, Satanico formed a new version of his long running Los Infernales group, bringing it both Guerrero and Rey Bucanero as junior members of the trio. Bucanero and Guerrero also formed a tag team, which quickly became regarded as one of the best pairs in Mexico and around the world. The two started off by winning the CMLL World Tag Team Championship thru a a tournament in 2000. The two would trade the title back with the super legend team of El Hijo del Santo & Negro Casas over the last few years.

Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero broke with Satanico in 2001, joining forces with Tarzan Boy but keeping the Los Infernales name. Satanico led various groups of rudos to reclaim the name of his own, before finally creating new proteges Averno & Mephisto. Mascara Magica, a rival of Averno in his previous incarnation as Rencor Latino, joined the Guerrero version of the Infernales. Though injuries to participants slowed the feud down at times, the seven core wrestlers met in a cage match where the both the masks/hairs were on the line, but also the rights to the name to Los Infernales. Satanico won it for his team, taking Mascara Magica's mask. Guerrero's faction renamed itself as Guerreros del Infierno, and found success under that name.

The group would turn on Magica with a year, but the trio of Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero and Tarzan Boy were considered the best trio for a number of years. They never won the trios titles as a unit, perhaps because they already held other championships, but they were usually together in main events. As a team, Bucanero & Guerrero defended their tag team titles against such teams as Damian 666 & Halloween, Hijo del Santo & Negro Casas, Atlantis & Blue Panther, and Vampiro & Shocker. As a single, Ultimo Guerrero won the CMLL World Light Heavyweight Championship, defeated top tecnico of the moment Shocker. Guerrero had more than 20 defenses, and was considered one of the best or the best luchador in CMLL thru the 00s.

Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero sometimes traveled outside of Mexico, representing CMLL and also faced foreigners brought in Mexico. Guerrero had a long, indecisive feud with Ultimo Dragon, and the two together fought the likes of Jado, Gedo, Hirooki Goto, Great Muta, and Tiger Mask.

The era of Bucanero/Guerrero ended in 2006, when Bucanero fell out with his teammates and moved to tecnico side. The Guerreros del Infierno became Guerreros del Atlantida after Atlantis joined to take Bucanero's place, with others like Olimpico, Eclipse, Sangre Azteca and Dragon Rojo Jr. passing thru the group. Toscano too eventually joined the tecnico side, leaving the group.

On his own, Ultimo Guerrero won the CMLL World Heavyweight Championship, racking up a similar defense record to his light heavyweight championship reign. Guerrero also won the 2006 & 2007 CMLL Gran Prix, and the 2009 CMLL Universal Championship. As a part of a team representing CMLL, Ultimo Guerrero won the 2008 TNA World X Cup.


Ultimo Guerrero se ha convertido en uno de los luchadores Mexicanos mas importantes a nivel Internacional, pues gracias a su accionar, ritmo y rendimiento es de las cartas fuertes del CMLL para convertirse en empresa Internacional...

Ultimo Guerrero comenzo su historia en su natal Gomez Palacio Durango, la tierra que en los ultimo años a sido el semillero mas basto de luchadores, pues hombres como Sombra, Diamante Negro y mas antiguos como los Hermanos Wagner & Blue Panther. Siempre ha sido un luchador revolucionado y eso le valipo emigrar rapidamente ala ciudad de Mexico eh integrarse con un comtenporaneo ala empresa de Promo Azteca en donde formo una pareja solida y fuerte llamada los Holligan´s junto a su amigo Ultimo Rebelde (hoy Holligan CMLL).

Ya habia sido ganador del Campeonato de Parejas de la Laguna en compañia del Ultimo Rebelde cuando Ultimo Guerrero era llamada el Flanagan. A finales de 1997 se dio su ingreso al CMLL en donde pronto llamo la atencion de los aficionados y despues de envolverse en una rivalidad fuerte en contra de un suicida como Mr. Aguila se llego ala Lucha de Mascara ... Debido al poderio que ambos gladiadores mostraban, la juventus que poseian y no ser aun consagrados de esa empresa... seles otorgo la oportunidad de ser los estelares de la Funcion del 65 Aniversario de la Lucha Libre en Mexico arrojando la derrota de Mr. Aguila y haciendo que el Ultimo Guerrero se valuara como un luchador super estelar ya dentro del CMLL.

En 1999 viene la cimentacion en el plan estelar del Ultimo Guerrero pues al participar en el Torneo Anual de la Gran Alternativa es el ganador junto a su Veterano e idolo Blue Panther esto le valio en convertirse en un luchador en el plan estelar y del cual ya no bajo de nivel en las carteleras. En el 2000 Satanico uno de los luchadores y rudos de mas respeto rescata el concepto de los poderosos Infernales los cuales manda llamar a Ultimo Guerrero y Rey Bucanero para integrar este dueto. El acoplamiento entre estos dos luchadores fue tal que se apoderan del Campeonato Mundial de Parejas del CMLL despues de una aliminatoria, ambos luchadores fueron presprados por el Satanico. Poco mas de un año despues Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero deciden independisarse del Satanico pero tambien apoderarse del concepto de los Infernales, cuestion que el Satanico no permitio y en una lucha en Relevos Australianos y teniendo de por medio el nombre de los Infernales, Satanico acompañado de Shocker & Black Warrior ganan el nombre de los Infernales a Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero & Tarzan Boy, tras esta derrota se da a conocer la nueva faccion de LOS GUERREROS DEL INFIERNO.

Los Guerreros del Infierno han sido considerado como uno de los mas poderosos y mejores equipos dentro de la Lucha Libre... como pareja se apoderaron del Campeonato Mundial de Parejas del CMLL haciendo sendas defensas en contra de parejas poderosisimas como Damian 666 & Halloween, Hijo del Santo & Negro Casas, Atlantis & Blue Panther, Vampiro & Lizmark Jr.. Ultimo Guerrero en solitario logro destronar del Campeonato Mundial Semicompleto al considerado en ese momento el mejor luchador del CMLL, Shocker, llego a realizar mas de 20 defensas contra hombres como Atlantis, Shocker, Blue Panther, Lizmark Jr., Terrible, Stuka I, Dos Caras Jr. & L.A. Park.

Durante la epoca de los Guerreros del Infierno viajaron muchas ocasiones a Estados Unidos y Japon en donde antes hombres como Ultimo Dragon. Junto a Rey Bucanero fue el encargado de recibir en Mexico a hombres como Jado, Gedo, Goto, Great Muta y Tiger Mask.

A mediados del 2006 Ultimo Guerrero es mandado llamar por la empresa Italiana de la NWE en donde constantemente en llevado a dar muestra de su poderio en el viejo continente... Por esas fechas en Mexico, se disuelve la faccion de los Guerreros del Infierno pues la incorporacion del rudo del momento Atlantis a ellos no le gusto a Rey Bucanero que decide cambiar a loS Tecnicos.... Asi nace el nuevo grupo llamado los Guerreros de la Atlantida ya con la incorporacion de hombres como Atlantis, Olimpico & Toscano.

El grupo siguio igual de fuerte pero Ultimo Guerrero es destronado del Mundial Semicompleto CMLL, Campeonato del cual habia sido el eterno Campeon. Ultimo Guerrero en compañia de Tarzan Boy y Atlantis ganan el Mundial de Trios del CMLL.

Ademas de que en el 2006 y 2007 gana los torneos de Grand Prix Jr. CMLL.

En el 2008 se anuncia la unicon de CMLL y TNA, empresa en la cual el ha mostrado un accionar ecepcional y de los cual se menciona su posible incorporacion a esta empresa Estadounidense...Junto a Rey Bucanero, Averno & Volador Jr. ganan para el CMLL la WORD X CUP TNA 2008....

El 19 de septiembre de 2014, en el 81 aniversario de la Arena México, pierde la máscara frente a Atlantis. Lucha en la cual el propio Último Guerrero se despojó de la máscara después de 24 años de trayectoria luchística y dijo llamarse José Gutierrez Hernández.






Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
1994/08/25 hair[1] Flanagan Megatron Arena Olimpico Laguna
1998/09/11 mask Último Guerrero Mr. Águila Arena México - Mexico City
2002/01/03 mask Último Guerrero Star I Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gomez Palacio, Durango
2002/11/17 hair Último Guerrero Cuchillo Arena Nueva Aragón - Mexico City
2006/08/10 hair Último Guerrero Stuka Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gomez Palacio, Durango
2007/09/29 mask Último Guerrero Guerrero Zulu Palenque de la Feria - Chiapas
2007/11/03 hair [2] Último Guerrero Super Parka Arena Monterrey - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
2008/12/18 mask [3] Último Guerrero Difunto II Arena Monterrey - Monterrey
2009/03/20 mask Último Guerrero Villano V Arena México - Mexico City
2010/11/19 hair[4] Último Guerrero Scorpio Jr. Deportivo Agustin Millan - Toluca
2014/09/19 mask Atlantis Último Guerrero Arena México - Mexico City
2015/07/17 hair Último Guerrero Rey Escorpion Arena México - Mexico City
2018/11/03 hair Último Guerrero Corsario Negro Jr. Arena San Juan Pantitlan
2019/03/02 hair Último Guerrero Caifán Arena San Juan Pantitlan
2019/05/31 hair Último Guerrero Máscara Año 2000 Arena México - Mexico City
2019/09/27 hair [5] Último Guerrero Negro Casas Arena México - Mexico City
  1. commission threw out the outcome of the match due to referee favoring Flanagan, Megatron never got his hair cut. A rematch was order, unclear if it actually occurred.
  2. RULETA DE LA MUERTE: Mistico, Damian 666, Averno, Dr. Wagner Jr., Atlantis & Hector Garza
  3. Finals of Ruelta de la Muerta, Difunto II was subbing for the injured Rey Hechicero
  4. Finals of a Ruleta Rusa w/Toscano, Místico, Sagrado, Misterioso II, Felino, Shigeo Okumura
  5. Finals of a Cagematch


as Flanagan
as Flanagan
With Super Punk
another early shot
with Último Rebelde
2002 - Infernales
CMLL LH and Tag Champ
Coacalco June 2006
as CMLL Tag Champ w/Dr. Wagner Jr.
as LLA Champ

Coliseo GDL
Vs.Dr. Wagner Jr.
vs Hijo del Santo
Con la Máscara destrozada por los Villanos.
as CMLL Tag Team Champ
Satanico, Rey Bucanero & Último Guerrero
w/ Atlantis vs Jon Strongman
as UWE World Tag Team Champions, w/Atlantis

Los Guerreros Laguneros,Último Guerrero, Gran Guerrero & Euforia
winning Caifán's hair
