In the golden years of UWA trios wrestling in El Toreo (early 80s), Feliciano was a part of two Los Temerarios (The Reckless Ones) teams, the first version with Black Terry and Lobo Rubio, and the second and better version with Black Terry and Shu El Guerrero.
Jose Luis left UWA, and he and Black Terry joined EMLL full time in January of 1992. Both were repackaged, Black Terry as Guerrero Maya, and Feliciano as Guerrero del Futuro. They were put in a trio called Los Guerreros Del Futuro with Damián El Guerrero. Maya and Futuro were good wrestlers, and though Damian wasn't that good, they were a team fun to watch as they used tons of creative triple team attacks.
In 1996, Maya retired from the full-time competition as a business he had was doing very well, so the team disbanded and Damian and Futuro went their separate ways.
In 1997 he had a chance to participate in a CMLL Japan tour. His first Japanese tour was actually in March of 1990 with Terry and Shu as Los Temerarios, wrestling for Hamada's Universal. He also competed as the masked Guerrero del Futuro for Tenryu's SWS, and in the year 2000 he wrestled (masked) for Big Japan Pro Wrestling.
From then on, he returned to the undercard where he's still active, though now he also works as the financial secretary of the CMLL syndicate. He is a solid undercard addition and while he's clearly past his prime, he's still a great bumping rudo when he's fired up (i.e. OCESA's Guerra de Naciones) and a very good talent to have there to "teach the ropes" to the young guys of the promotion.
Quietly retired in early 2006 to focus on behind the scenes work in CMLL. At that time, he helped train the female wrestlers and was in charge of booking the ladies matches. As of 2014, he's seen at live events helping co-ordinates the CMLL television shows and billed at CMLL press events as the second in charge in programming department.