Black Lady

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Black Lady
Black Lady
Name Black Lady
Real name
Name history Black Lady
Maestro(s) Príncipe León, Mr. Marca
Birth date, location San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí
Obituary date
Debut, location January 19, 2018 - Arena Margarita, San Luis Potosí
Lost mask to
Height 169 cm
Weight 68 kg
Signature moves Dropkick, El Cangrejo


San Luis Potosí based luchadora ruda. Debuted on January 19, 2018 at Arena Margarita, San Luis Potosí. Decided to be a ruda, she was looking for choices for an adequate ring name. At first she was thinking on name herself Black but then she inspired on the Black Lady character featured on the Sailor Moon Anime Series. Wreslted in several venues in her home state and works for Producciones Mar-Ca (Tradicional Arena Margarita).


Arena Margarita
