Niebla Roja

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this is the current luchador, who previously used the name Angel de Plata. There's a different, earlier Ángel de Plata


Niebla Roja
Niebla Roja
Name Niebla Roja
Real name
Name history Guerrero Inca (debut-25/12/2008), Angel de Plata (18/01/2009-29/03/2012), Niebla Roja (30/03/2012-)
Family Apolo Chavez (father), Àngel de Oro (brother)
Maestro(s) Gran Cochisse, Satànico
Birth date, location March 20, 1986 - Torreòn, Coahuila
Obituary date
Debut, location July 14, 2008
Lost mask to
Height 176 cm/5'9"
Weight 84 kgs/185 lbs
Signature moves Campana Invertida (as Angel de Plata), flapjack into a kick, backflip double heel kick, cristo faceslam, tornillo
Titles: CMLL World Trios Championship (w/Euforia & Último Guerrero)


A youngster who came to Mexico City from Gomez Palacio. Starting as rudo Guerrero Inca. As with some other brothers who go into wrestling at the same time, he and Angel de Oro worked against each other frequently. They took their matches to Mexico City while training with CMLL.

CMLL came up with idea of new tecnico Hector Garza leading a trio of three Angels. Oro would be one. Guerrero Inca became Angel de Plata (a name which had been used previously in CMLL.) A third Angel (Angel de Bronce?) debuted with the other two backing Hector Garza to a hair match, but was never seen again. Plata's own debut was delayed by breaking his arm, and existing early match wrestler Angel Azteca Jr. was added to the new Los Angeles Celestiales. The trios teamed regularly, facing the undercard rudos, but did not achieve many notable wins. CMLL felt Angel de Oro was the star of the group and started to separate him from the rest of the trio, while Plata lagged behind both in wins and performance. (Azteca was mostly ignored.) Oro won the Forjando un Idolo tournament, while Plata did not win a single match. Disappeared at the end of 2011 with an injury that was supposed to keep him out a couple weeks, but he did not return.

Niebla Roja debuted in spring 2012 as a mystery pupil of Ultimo Guerrero wearing a similar mask. CMLL has yet to officially acknowledge Roja is the Angel de Plata returning to his rudo roots. Roja has mentioned he's a former tecnico who is more comfortable on the rudo side, and CMLL announced have noted he's the son of Apolo Chavez. Roja has said Guerrero's mentoring has turned around his career. He definitely has been a much better rudo, and the relationship with Ultimo Guerrero has led to Roja being part of the 2012 Guerreros vs Guerreros feud. Roja hasn't had any particular interaction with his former partners. Angel Azteca has rarely appeared in 2012. Niebla Roja and Angel de Oro do cross paths as guys booked at similar levels, but there's no acknowledgement of any past relationship.


as Guerrero Inca (grey)
as Angel de Plata
in 2012 as Niebla Roja
Guerreros Laguneros
Ultimo Guerrero * Euforia * Gran Guerrero
GdI: Rey Bucanero * Toscano * Mascara Magica
GdA: Atlantis * Sangre Azteca * Olimpico * Eclipse * Rey Escorpión * Dragon Rojo Jr.
Mascots: Ultimonito (original) * Ultimonito

Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre Championships
CMLL: Micro: TenguMini: Ultimo Dragoncito
Super Light: StigmaWelter: TitánMiddle: Templario
Light Heavy: AvernoHeavy: Gran Guerrero
Tag: Ángel de Oro & Niebla RojaTrios: (Averno, Euforia, Mephisto)
Women: ZeuxisWomen's Tag: Vacant
Historic: Welter: Mascara DoradaMiddle: Flip GordonLight Heavy: Atlantis Jr.
National: Light: Rayo MetalicoWelter: Magia BlancaMiddle: Guerrero Maya Jr.
Light Heavy: EsfingeHeavy: Star Black
Tag: Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido)Trios: Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star
Women: SanelyWomen's Tag: Skadi & Kira
Occidente: Welter: ExplosivoMiddle: Zandokan Jr.
Light Heavy: EsfingeHeavy: Bestia Negra
Tag: Dulce Gardenia & La FashionTrios: Crixus, Difunto, Rider
Women: Dark SiluetaWomen's Tag: Dark Silueta & Zeuxis
Misc: Arena Coliseo Tag: El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.Japan Women's: Sayaka Unagi
Tournaments: Leyenda de Azul MisticoLeyenda de Plata: Angel de OroUniversal: Mascara DoradaUniversal de Amazonas: Persephone
Reyes del Aire: MisticoGran Alternativa: Templario & Legendario
La Copa Jr.: Star Jr.Parejas Increíbles: Mascara Dorada & Rocky Romero

Copa de Arena Mexico Tournament
Pequeño Reyes del AireEn Busca de un Ídolo
Japan Tag
DF: LightWelterMiddle
CMLL-REINA: Intl JuniorIntlTag Team