Bárbaro Cavernario

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one of a few Bárbaros

Name Cavernario
Real name Leonardo Moreno Ayala
Name history El Bárbaro, Barbaro Cavernario, Baby Cavernario, Cavernario
Family Demonio Maya & Indigo (brothers)
Birth date, location November 6, 1993 - Zapopan, Jalisco
Obituary date
Debut, location 2007 or 2008
Lost mask to El Gallo - March 11, 2012 at Arena Coliseo - Guadalajara, Jalisco
Signature moves splash to the floor, Cavernaria
Titles: Occidente Middleweight Championship, CMLL Gran Alternativa (2014) (w/Barbaro Cavernario), En Busca de un Idolo, 2014

Debuted in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara in early 2012. Figured to be a forgettable young rudo, at least for the time being, after he quickly lost his mask to Gallo in 2012. Didn't turn out that way and rebounded strong with three big hair wins later that year, including one over local legend Javier Cruz. Feuded with Smaker in the second half of the year, and finally won the Occidente Middleweight Championship from him in their third meeting.

A young luchador who's booked so strongly in one arena often is related to the people who are making the programming decisions for the arena, but there's no known relationship between Barbaro Cavernario to any other luchador.

Springboarded from his Guadalajara success to a limited Mexico City run in mid June 2013 and was well received. Seems likely to be back on the main roster at some point. Came back in early 2014 as after a continuous success in Guadalajara. Won the Gran Alternativa with Mr. Niebla, joined Peste Negra after, and won En Busca de un Idolo, 2014 as well.

Lucha de Apuestas Record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
2012.03.11 mask El Gallo El Bárbaro Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
2012.06.24 hair (1) Bárbaro Cavernario Javier Cruz Jr. Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
2012.07.01 hair Bárbaro Cavernario Leo Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
2012.07.15 hair Bárbaro Cavernario Javier Cruz Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
2014.06.22 hair (2) Cavernario Black Metal Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
2014/09/14 hair (3) Bárbaro Cavernario Rey Cometa Arena Mexico
(1) three way hair match with Leo; (2) cage match w/ Gallo, Rey Cometa, Boby Zavala, Sádico (Guadalajara), Esfinge, Demonio Maya


Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre Championships
CMLL: Micro: TenguMini: Ultimo Dragoncito
Super Light: StigmaWelter: TitánMiddle: Templario
Light Heavy: AvernoHeavy: Gran Guerrero
Tag: Ángel de Oro & Niebla RojaTrios: (Averno, Euforia, Mephisto)
Women: ZeuxisWomen's Tag: Vacant
Historic: Welter: Mascara DoradaMiddle: Flip GordonLight Heavy: Atlantis Jr.
National: Light: Rayo MetalicoWelter: Magia BlancaMiddle: Guerrero Maya Jr.
Light Heavy: EsfingeHeavy: Star Black
Tag: Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido)Trios: Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr., Max Star
Women: SanelyWomen's Tag: Skadi & Kira
Occidente: Welter: ExplosivoMiddle: Zandokan Jr.
Light Heavy: EsfingeHeavy: Bestia Negra
Tag: Dulce Gardenia & La FashionTrios: Crixus, Difunto, Rider
Women: Dark SiluetaWomen's Tag: Dark Silueta & Zeuxis
Misc: Arena Coliseo Tag: El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.Japan Women's: Sayaka Unagi
Tournaments: Leyenda de Azul MisticoLeyenda de Plata: Angel de OroUniversal: Mascara DoradaUniversal de Amazonas: Persephone
Reyes del Aire: MisticoGran Alternativa: Templario & Legendario
La Copa Jr.: Star Jr.Parejas Increíbles: Mascara Dorada & Rocky Romero

Copa de Arena Mexico Tournament
Pequeño Reyes del AireEn Busca de un Ídolo
Japan Tag
DF: LightWelterMiddle
CMLL-REINA: Intl JuniorIntlTag Team

La Peste Negra
Negro Casas * Mr. Niebla * Felino * Zacarias* Barbaro Cavernario
Associated: Princesa Blanca * Puma King
Former: Heavy Metal * Rey Bucanero * Herodes Jr.