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Also see: [[User talk:thecubsfan]]
(deleted old messages. They're always still there on the history page.)

== A change on handling locations ==

== THANKS! :) ==
Previously, we'd link to locations like this

hey dude thanks for refining the stuff i put or updated thanks dude
:[[Arena Jalisco]], [[Guadalajara]], [[Jalisco]]

== NGX Wrestlers ==
My thinking is, when people looking for location information, they're rarely looking for the information on the state or city. Those pages fulfill what we need out of them, but I think the building/primarily location info is the only thing that really needs to be linked to. (That same city/state/country info would be linked to on the arena/building page if it's still desired.)

Where we can talk with the people who do this page ??? Where we can send a E-Mail ???
I've started completely enclosing the location in one link instead.

Donde podemos hablar con la gente que hace esta pagina ??? Donde podemos mandar un E-Mail ???
:[[Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco]]

You don't have to do this, that's just why I've made that change on what I've done. --[[User:Thecubsfan|Thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Thecubsfan|talk]]) 14:18, 26 March 2015 (CDT)

== Lucha Libre World Cup ==
Lucha Libre World Cup's Facebook page has some interesting data. El Mesías profile has debut date as April 30, 1997. El Texano Jr. profile has he debuted on February 24, 1999 and El Hijo Del Fantasma has July 4, 2000. I don't add that data to LuchaWiki profiles due I don't know if all dates are correct. What can we do? - [[User:Mike09|Mike09]] ([[User talk:Mike09|talk]])

Thank you Very Much !!! NGX Wrestling Company, INC.
I'm just going to overuse the reference tags to make it work. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 12:57, 8 June 2015 (CDT)

Muchas Gracias !!! NGX Wrestlig Company , INC.
== UWF World Heavyweight Championship ==
This title I think that there is no relationship with Mexico. --[[User:Campeon|Campeon]] ([[User talk:Campeon|talk]]) 10 JAN. 2016

== Beth Phoenix ==
== Taz el Feroz/Sangre Guerrera ==
rocky lobo confirmed that there is a mistaken identity,Taz el Feroz and Sangre Guerrera are the same luchador.

Hola y perdón por el español, estaba escribiendo esto en Ingles pero me cuesta mucho trabajo, espero puedan leerlo. Quería saber la razón por la que borraron el archivo de Beth Phoenix que cree la semana pasada, me dicen que ella no cuenta como luchador, realmente no la conozco bien pero tengo un DVD de Unforgiven 2007 en donde pelea contra Candice Michelle por el campeonato de la WWE y ambas son excelentes luchadoras, si de verdad quieren borrar a gente que no son verdaderos luchadores  deberían de empezar por borrar a [[Poncho de Nigris]] y toda la gente que lucha en su arena de Monterrey, o a gente como [[Violento Jack]] que dan la impresión de ser fanáticos que se disfrazan de luchadores
== Magnus / Príncipe Dragón ==
Hi dude. A guy created a profile for [[Príncipe Dragón]] and upload pictures of [[CMLL]]'s [[Magnus]] on it. Are both wrestlers the same person? Príncipe Dragón's profile has some apuesta matches I actually can't found out, really that matches happened? First apuesta match on the profile took place at Arena Naucalpan, a FILL tournament took place that night.

Leí sobre las reglas para crear biografías, y me parece que dice que los administradores decidieron que Lucha Wiki trataba solo sobre promociones de Lucha Libre Mexicana, creo que este es un gran error, por si no se han dado cuenta Lucha Wiki ya es un enorme monstruo alimentado día a día por los usuarios y fanáticos de la lucha en general y no solo de la lucha libre mexicana, desde mi punto de vista la Lucha mexicana es la mejor del mundo por muchas razones, pero creo que tratar solo sobre ella es cerrarse a muchos otros estilos de lucha libre, además muchos de estos luchadores vienen a México a luchar y no por esos les vamos a considerar que ya luchan al estilo mexicano, al igual que  muchos mexicanos luchan en EUA o Japón y no por eso pierden su estilo

Otra razón es que al hacer la página en Ingles la han hecho internacional, por lo tanto no veo porque no sea internacional también su contenido, creo que como ya les dije estos son los que crean día con día la página, y me gustaría creer que los usuarios son de todas partes del mundo y les gustaría ver a sus luchadores favoritos junto a grandes leyendas de la lucha libre mexicana

Por último creo que algunas decisiones las deberían hacer tomando mas en cuneta la opinión de los usuarios, púes aunque ustedes hayan creado y administren la página son los usuarios quienes están haciendo mas modificaciones, así que ya no se trata solo del gusto de ustedes, al editar archivos hay una advertencia que dice que si no quieres que te critiquen lo que pones o que lo borren, no lo pongas, creo que esta regla debería empezar con ustedes, si no quieren que les modifiquen su página o que les destruyan el contenido púes no la creen o háganla de contenido estático en donde pongan solo lo que a ustedes les interese
== Adding Categories ==
Hi! I have recently having trouble by adding wrestlers to new categories.  I try to include them in another category but their names don't appear when I check the list. The link is there but they are not added. Besides, I recently created a page for a new championship, but it does not appear in the list of Championships either.

De todas formas quiero felicitarlos, esta es la mejor página de lucha que he encontrado en la red y desde que me di de alta trato de ver todos los días los cambios que hay y trato de contribuir lo mejor que puedo. Espero no molestar y que me entiendan en español
The category listings sometimes take a little while to update, but it looks like [[International Women's Championship]] is listed in those categories now. --[[User:Thecubsfan|Thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Thecubsfan|talk]]) 10:28, 14 November 2016 (PST)

Muchas gracias por darnos este Wiki
Yes, that Championship is already listed; however the  [[Arena Nacionalista Championship]] has not been listed yet.  It is the most recent Championship I added.
Thanks for your time!

Atte: Raúl Campa
Looks like the program to update those pages hasn't been running. I've got it all caught up for now, but will need to figure out why it's not running. I'll keep working on this. --[[User:Thecubsfan|Thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Thecubsfan|talk]]) 13:52, 14 November 2016 (PST)

==Beth Pheonix==

This Guy above would like to know why it was decided that Luchawiki would only be for Lucha Libre, seeing as how so many International stars do come to wrestle in mexico ,he feels that by doing this you would be excluding many great influences, that have helped to shape what we know has Lucha Libre. I agree with him , What about Wrestlers like Gran Hamada who is not only a huge international star but a huge star in mexico along with his daughters ,who by the way were born to his MEXICAN WIFE !!! or even Gran SASUKE ,Jeff jarrett who has one the REY DE REYES who wasthe fisrt foreinger to win this tournament , keep in mind that many Merxican Luchadores are adopting a very un-lucha move set such as ozz who is quite fond of using LA DARKETA(aka Canadian Destroyer or Go 2 SLeep from KENTA KOBAYASHI or CM PUNK) feel free to respond on my talk page and i will Translate for you ...
== Rules ==
Hello!  I have question regarding with the rules.  I recently interviewed [[El Indomable]] he provided the information of the profile and a couple of pictures as well.  However, he asked me as a favor not posting pictures of him unmasked under one of his previous gimmicks (Cheyene), because it compromises his current character.  He has not lost the mask under neither of his previous gimmicks.  Personally, I am respectful with the concept of the masked luchador and contribute to keep the luchadors' Identities as a secret until they make them public. All these years I have been glad to contribute with this webpage as best as I can.  The discussion of the this issue is completely unexpected for me and I would like to find the best solution.
Hey. The policy has always been that if the luchador has ever wrestled unmasked, it's OK to both include photos of their unmasked character and their real name if publicly known. We've had this situation with [[Sexy Star]], where we included both her unmasked photos as Dulce Poly and her real name before she gave up the mask. This has been our policy with [[Aerostar]], whose very early unmasked character is displayed right with the rest of his images. We didn't shy away from including information and unmasked photos of Poder Mexica while he was masked as [[Comandante Pierroth]], which probably did compromise his ability to portray himself as a 'new' character. There are other examples.
There is a guideline of not including the real name of a wrestler who has '''never''' wrestled unmasked, born not just out of respect, but also out of understanding that we would have this actual argument three hundred times over and it would be a distraction from maintaining this site. It's always been the policy that if a luchador wrestled unmasked at any point, it is fine to include the name and unmasked character. There's some logistical reasons for it - removing one name and one photo isn't on this profile isn't that much, but we'd have to remove all unmasked photos of Silver King whenever he decides to use mask, or all mentions entirely of Ricky Marvin when he was Bengala - but it's more specifically about what I want this wiki to be.
Luchawiki is about preserving the history of lucha libre as best we can. Sometimes, it's not as accurate as we'd like it to be and it's never as complete as it could be. However, we're never about removing items which are both accurate and relevant. I can sympathize with El Indomable being unhappy about a photo of wrestling unmasked on this wiki, but it did happen. I'm more concerned with keeping the people who visit the site happy that they're seeing the best possible version of what this wiki can be rather than keeping everyone mentioned happy. I respect the luchadors, but this is a site for the readers first, and I want to respect them by not hiding information from them.
I'm going to rollback the edits on the El Indomable page to the last version Flashmagic had, fix the apuesta data as you did, and lock the page for the moment. --[[User:Thecubsfan|Thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Thecubsfan|talk]]) 15:16, 29 March 2017 (PDT)
== [[UIPW]] ==
Hi I was looking at the [[UIPW]] page and it says the promotion is Underground Independent Pro Wrestling but isn't it actually Union Independent Pro Wrestling? Just wondering, cause if it is suppose to be Union Independent Pro Wrestling then the page should be renamed. Thanks for your time.--[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 08:59, 14 October 2017 (PDT)
I think it's meant to be the Underground name - [ that's the nickname for the arena]. The only places it's listed is Union are on other databases; I can't find it listed that name by the promotion. (I can find it that way in other databases, but they seem to be confusing it for a Canada? promotion that used the same initials.) It really looks like UIPW just effectively for UIPW at this point; they only refer it to by the initials. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 16:39, 15 October 2017 (PDT)
Yes that's where I saw the confusion in that its listed as Union Independent Pro Wrestling in other databases like you said. Ok thanks again.--[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 20:59, 15 October 2017 (PDT)
== [[Chile wrestlers]] ==
Hi a user named Perseo.historia created the page [[Chile wrestlers]]. If you look at the page, I'm not sure what the user was going for with the page but there is already a category for Chilean wrestlers. So I would file this page as nominated for deletion. Thanks for your time. --[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 14:08, 16 June 2018 (PDT)
Perseo contacted me few days ago asking me about how to upload information here, he is still learning.  He does not know how to upload pictures or working the other tools.  I am not sure what is he trying to do if either creating a category or a new profile.
[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 22:30, 16 June 2018 (PDT)
== [[Fugitivo del futuro]] ==
Someone created this page: [[Fugitivo del futuro]]. I'm not familiar with this luchador if you want to check it out. Also because the page isn't well done. Missing Bio, an image etc. Thanks.
--[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 13:27, 28 June 2018 (PDT)
== [[El pocho]] ==
Hi a user named Goldeneraluchatees created this page: [[El pocho]]. I'm not familiar with this luchador if you want to check it out. Also because the page isn't well done and the image on the page doesn't look real. Thanks. --[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 02:13, 19 July 2018 (PDT)
I've never heard about him either, and I think this guy could be fake.  But I will try to find something. [[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 07:13, 19 July 2018 (PDT)
He is real he was also a referee in Tijuana.
[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 11:21, 19 July 2018 (PDT)
== Fake accounts and spam ==
If you look at the [ New user creation log] there is a lot of fake accounts created recently. Probably one person who creates them for when one gets blocked they can just use the other ones.
All these fake accounts lead to all the spam being created now multiple times a day as seen in the [ Deletion log].
So maybe you should consider suspending new user creation for the time being til a solution can be found. Just a suggestion. I don't know if it's possible but at this point with the number of spam pages & fake accounts now occurring so frequently then maybe you should consider it. Thanks for your time. --[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 03:10, 12 August 2018 (PDT)
== [[Ray]] ==
The page for [[Ray]] is protected. When you get a chance if you could add her obituary date and add her to the Deceased wrestlers category. Thanks.
--[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 12:59, 31 August 2018 (PDT)
== Alex Segura / King Star Tiger ==
Hi my friend. I noted that recently unmasked [[AULL]] wrestler King Star Tiger is Indy/Ecatepec wrestler Alex Segura. Before become King Star Tiger, he wrestled as masked Oveja Negra, and unmasked Alex Segura at same time. He declared to Más Lucha that his son is wrestling as [[King Star Tiger Jr.]]. There's an [[Alex Segura Jr.]] wrestling on indy circuit, perhaps Alex Segura Jr./King Star Tiger Jr. are also the same person? I added some data to the profile, but I hope you can do something to fix that pages. I think apuesta matches from [[Alex Segura]] are currently King Star Tiger and not [[Pantera I]], starting from dates these matches took place. Victor Nava is Pantera's name, should we add his real name to the profile? -- [[User:Mike09|Mike09]] ([[User talk:Mike09|talk]]) 18:00, 6 September 2018 (PDT)
Thanks. We don't have a mask loss for Pantera I yet so I'll leave his real name off. I've made the other changes to Alex Segura/King Star Tiger. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 10:49, 7 September 2018 (PDT)
== Shocker ==
Hi I don't remember if you mentioned it on your blog but what happened to Shocker's jaw? I saw him on a recent interview and was surprised at the drastic change in his look. He mentioned something about an injury and I vaguely remember him wearing head gear while wrestling. --[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 03:04, 10 October 2018 (PDT)
Diamante Azul broke Shocker's jaw in a match. Shocker's had multiple surgeries to fix it. He says one of them did not go well and the jaw is stuck looking bad until he can get another. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 07:18, 10 October 2018 (PDT)
Wow interesting. Cool thanks. --[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 14:58, 10 October 2018 (PDT)
== Templates ==
Hey man. Recently I created two templates. The first is [[Template:9Team2RoundBracket]], used in tournaments like [[NGX King of Deathmatch]]. Can you check out if the template have errors? The second one is [[Template:Disambiguation]]. I opted to create it in order to have a fastest way to use it in pages with disambiguations, shared identities, promotions with same name, etc. Please check out this one also to avoid issues. Thanks, greetings. -- [[User:Mike09|Mike09]] ([[User talk:Mike09|talk]]) 09:52, 12 October 2018 (PDT)
Both look good to me. That's good work. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 12:16, 12 October 2018 (PDT)
== Jesus Silva Hernandez ==
After you unlocked the page, the user just did the same thing 10 years later if you want to check it out.
*[[Jesus Silva Hernandez]]
Thanks for your time.
--[[User:Latin915|Latin915]] ([[User talk:Latin915|talk]]) 20:08, 19 August 2019 (PDT)
== Dr. Karonte ==
Today Dr. Karonte passed away, but the question is which of all? Several, Facebook pages said it was [[Dr. Karonte]] (Manuel Almanza), but many of them mixed pictures of him and [[Dr. Karonte I]] which must be [[Caristico]]'s father.  Even MásLucha TV got the wrong person.  Do you know which of all Dr. Karontes passed away and check if the infomartion of both is correct in their respective profiles, because I think these profiles' information is mixed up.  For this reason, I do not know how to update de info. 
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 17:14, 26 August 2019 (PDT)
== Vanguardia 4X4 Championship ==
Can we upload this title here along with its history?  This is a Lucha Libre title but, is a 24/7.  It this title admissible here?
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 19:32, 3 February, 2020 (PDT)
Yes, it's ok. I would suggest not spending a lot of time on it unless it's something you're excited about because I don't expect it to last long or make sense, but it's admissible to include on profile pages and title histories. We should include a mention of it being under 24x7 rules on the title page. --[[User:Thecubsfan|Thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Thecubsfan|talk]]) 12:20, 4 February 2020 (PST)
== Mazambula ==
How many wreslters used the name of Mazambula?  Because as far as I knew there is the [[Mazambula El Brujo]] (the one who lost the mask against [[Dos Caras]] and the [[Mazambula]] from Tijuana, but I did notice of the [[Mazambula (1967)]], is he the same who lost agaisnt Dos Caras or is he a different person?
Looks like the same guy. The other one didn't come up in the search I tried.
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 15:33, 23 April, 2020 (PDT)
==Double Angel Dorado Profiles==
I believe these two profiles are the same. Could you merge or delete one? Thanks
--[[User:I Like Lucha|I Like Lucha]] ([[User talk:I Like Lucha|talk]]) 11:00, 15 February 2021 (PST)
== Jack Veneno ==
Is Jack Veneno admisible for a Luchawiki profile? According to some sources he wrestled in Latin America including Mexico. I could cite those websites. Besides he was involved in apuestas matches. I need to make sure before adding info.
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 18:31, 06 April 2021 (PST)
I've seen newspaper articles saying Veneno wrestled in Mexico. I can't found any results myself, but he should be safe to add. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 21:33, 6 April 2021 (PDT)
== Edition Toolbar ==
What happened with the edition toolbar? I don't know you but, I am having a little trouble editing pages since the edition toolbar is gone. It is not available anymore?
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 14:57, 22 June 2021 (PST)
I thought this was just me! I'll look into it. [[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 07:29, 23 June 2021 (PDT)
I believe I have unbroken this. (Or they changed the settings and I needed to add something; it looks different than before.) You may need to refresh to see the change. --[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 07:39, 23 June 2021 (PDT)
It worked! And looks easier to use. Thank you!
--[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 11:10, 23 June 2021 (PST)
== User Golden Star 09 ==
The user [[Golden Star 09]] (who uploaded himself as [[Golden Star (Guerrero)]] is vandalizing [[Lady Pink]]'s page. She hasn't lost the mask or revealed her real name publicly. I don't know if there are personal issues between them, but I've undone what he sis twice and he keeps doing this.
I told you already! You are not allowed to write names of masked wrestlers who hasn't lost the mask. That goes against the rules. If you have personal issues this is not the place. What would be a proper solution for this in order to avoid edition warring.
[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 09:58, 17 October 2021 (PDT)
Thanks! I've locked the page.
I'm also going to add a block for a month - whenever we get people who just don't acknowledge messages, they're probably just going to come back again and make another mess, so might as well prevent that ahead of time. Probably will get bored and forget about this after a month - I'll make it much longer if they come back and do it again.
--[[User:Nkhan|thecubsfan]] ([[User talk:Nkhan|talk]]) 10:05, 17 October 2021 (PDT)
The user [[ la Fiera]] seems to be fake. I haven't heard about a wrestler with such ring name. The information he provided looks exaggerated. Hasn't provide solid proofs to support his statements.but he keeps uploading "his record".
[[User:Tunderman|Tunderman]] ([[User talk:Tunderman|talk]]) 17:40, 1 August, 2024 (PDT)

Revision as of 18:41, 1 August 2024

(deleted old messages. They're always still there on the history page.)

A change on handling locations

Previously, we'd link to locations like this

Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco

My thinking is, when people looking for location information, they're rarely looking for the information on the state or city. Those pages fulfill what we need out of them, but I think the building/primarily location info is the only thing that really needs to be linked to. (That same city/state/country info would be linked to on the arena/building page if it's still desired.)

I've started completely enclosing the location in one link instead.

Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco

You don't have to do this, that's just why I've made that change on what I've done. --Thecubsfan (talk) 14:18, 26 March 2015 (CDT)

Lucha Libre World Cup

Lucha Libre World Cup's Facebook page has some interesting data. El Mesías profile has debut date as April 30, 1997. El Texano Jr. profile has he debuted on February 24, 1999 and El Hijo Del Fantasma has July 4, 2000. I don't add that data to LuchaWiki profiles due I don't know if all dates are correct. What can we do? - Mike09 (talk)

I'm just going to overuse the reference tags to make it work. --thecubsfan (talk) 12:57, 8 June 2015 (CDT)

UWF World Heavyweight Championship

This title I think that there is no relationship with Mexico. --Campeon (talk) 10 JAN. 2016

Taz el Feroz/Sangre Guerrera

rocky lobo confirmed that there is a mistaken identity,Taz el Feroz and Sangre Guerrera are the same luchador.

Magnus / Príncipe Dragón

Hi dude. A guy created a profile for Príncipe Dragón and upload pictures of CMLL's Magnus on it. Are both wrestlers the same person? Príncipe Dragón's profile has some apuesta matches I actually can't found out, really that matches happened? First apuesta match on the profile took place at Arena Naucalpan, a FILL tournament took place that night.

Adding Categories

Hi! I have recently having trouble by adding wrestlers to new categories. I try to include them in another category but their names don't appear when I check the list. The link is there but they are not added. Besides, I recently created a page for a new championship, but it does not appear in the list of Championships either.

The category listings sometimes take a little while to update, but it looks like International Women's Championship is listed in those categories now. --Thecubsfan (talk) 10:28, 14 November 2016 (PST)

Yes, that Championship is already listed; however the Arena Nacionalista Championship has not been listed yet. It is the most recent Championship I added. Thanks for your time!

Looks like the program to update those pages hasn't been running. I've got it all caught up for now, but will need to figure out why it's not running. I'll keep working on this. --Thecubsfan (talk) 13:52, 14 November 2016 (PST)


Hello! I have question regarding with the rules. I recently interviewed El Indomable he provided the information of the profile and a couple of pictures as well. However, he asked me as a favor not posting pictures of him unmasked under one of his previous gimmicks (Cheyene), because it compromises his current character. He has not lost the mask under neither of his previous gimmicks. Personally, I am respectful with the concept of the masked luchador and contribute to keep the luchadors' Identities as a secret until they make them public. All these years I have been glad to contribute with this webpage as best as I can. The discussion of the this issue is completely unexpected for me and I would like to find the best solution.


Hey. The policy has always been that if the luchador has ever wrestled unmasked, it's OK to both include photos of their unmasked character and their real name if publicly known. We've had this situation with Sexy Star, where we included both her unmasked photos as Dulce Poly and her real name before she gave up the mask. This has been our policy with Aerostar, whose very early unmasked character is displayed right with the rest of his images. We didn't shy away from including information and unmasked photos of Poder Mexica while he was masked as Comandante Pierroth, which probably did compromise his ability to portray himself as a 'new' character. There are other examples.

There is a guideline of not including the real name of a wrestler who has never wrestled unmasked, born not just out of respect, but also out of understanding that we would have this actual argument three hundred times over and it would be a distraction from maintaining this site. It's always been the policy that if a luchador wrestled unmasked at any point, it is fine to include the name and unmasked character. There's some logistical reasons for it - removing one name and one photo isn't on this profile isn't that much, but we'd have to remove all unmasked photos of Silver King whenever he decides to use mask, or all mentions entirely of Ricky Marvin when he was Bengala - but it's more specifically about what I want this wiki to be.

Luchawiki is about preserving the history of lucha libre as best we can. Sometimes, it's not as accurate as we'd like it to be and it's never as complete as it could be. However, we're never about removing items which are both accurate and relevant. I can sympathize with El Indomable being unhappy about a photo of wrestling unmasked on this wiki, but it did happen. I'm more concerned with keeping the people who visit the site happy that they're seeing the best possible version of what this wiki can be rather than keeping everyone mentioned happy. I respect the luchadors, but this is a site for the readers first, and I want to respect them by not hiding information from them.

I'm going to rollback the edits on the El Indomable page to the last version Flashmagic had, fix the apuesta data as you did, and lock the page for the moment. --Thecubsfan (talk) 15:16, 29 March 2017 (PDT)


Hi I was looking at the UIPW page and it says the promotion is Underground Independent Pro Wrestling but isn't it actually Union Independent Pro Wrestling? Just wondering, cause if it is suppose to be Union Independent Pro Wrestling then the page should be renamed. Thanks for your time.--Latin915 (talk) 08:59, 14 October 2017 (PDT)

I think it's meant to be the Underground name - that's the nickname for the arena. The only places it's listed is Union are on other databases; I can't find it listed that name by the promotion. (I can find it that way in other databases, but they seem to be confusing it for a Canada? promotion that used the same initials.) It really looks like UIPW just effectively for UIPW at this point; they only refer it to by the initials. --thecubsfan (talk) 16:39, 15 October 2017 (PDT)

Yes that's where I saw the confusion in that its listed as Union Independent Pro Wrestling in other databases like you said. Ok thanks again.--Latin915 (talk) 20:59, 15 October 2017 (PDT)

Chile wrestlers

Hi a user named Perseo.historia created the page Chile wrestlers. If you look at the page, I'm not sure what the user was going for with the page but there is already a category for Chilean wrestlers. So I would file this page as nominated for deletion. Thanks for your time. --Latin915 (talk) 14:08, 16 June 2018 (PDT)

Perseo contacted me few days ago asking me about how to upload information here, he is still learning. He does not know how to upload pictures or working the other tools. I am not sure what is he trying to do if either creating a category or a new profile.

Tunderman (talk) 22:30, 16 June 2018 (PDT)

Fugitivo del futuro

Someone created this page: Fugitivo del futuro. I'm not familiar with this luchador if you want to check it out. Also because the page isn't well done. Missing Bio, an image etc. Thanks. --Latin915 (talk) 13:27, 28 June 2018 (PDT)

El pocho

Hi a user named Goldeneraluchatees created this page: El pocho. I'm not familiar with this luchador if you want to check it out. Also because the page isn't well done and the image on the page doesn't look real. Thanks. --Latin915 (talk) 02:13, 19 July 2018 (PDT)

I've never heard about him either, and I think this guy could be fake. But I will try to find something. Tunderman (talk) 07:13, 19 July 2018 (PDT)

He is real he was also a referee in Tijuana. Tunderman (talk) 11:21, 19 July 2018 (PDT)

Fake accounts and spam

If you look at the New user creation log there is a lot of fake accounts created recently. Probably one person who creates them for when one gets blocked they can just use the other ones.

All these fake accounts lead to all the spam being created now multiple times a day as seen in the Deletion log.

So maybe you should consider suspending new user creation for the time being til a solution can be found. Just a suggestion. I don't know if it's possible but at this point with the number of spam pages & fake accounts now occurring so frequently then maybe you should consider it. Thanks for your time. --Latin915 (talk) 03:10, 12 August 2018 (PDT)


The page for Ray is protected. When you get a chance if you could add her obituary date and add her to the Deceased wrestlers category. Thanks. --Latin915 (talk) 12:59, 31 August 2018 (PDT)

Alex Segura / King Star Tiger

Hi my friend. I noted that recently unmasked AULL wrestler King Star Tiger is Indy/Ecatepec wrestler Alex Segura. Before become King Star Tiger, he wrestled as masked Oveja Negra, and unmasked Alex Segura at same time. He declared to Más Lucha that his son is wrestling as King Star Tiger Jr.. There's an Alex Segura Jr. wrestling on indy circuit, perhaps Alex Segura Jr./King Star Tiger Jr. are also the same person? I added some data to the profile, but I hope you can do something to fix that pages. I think apuesta matches from Alex Segura are currently King Star Tiger and not Pantera I, starting from dates these matches took place. Victor Nava is Pantera's name, should we add his real name to the profile? -- Mike09 (talk) 18:00, 6 September 2018 (PDT)

Thanks. We don't have a mask loss for Pantera I yet so I'll leave his real name off. I've made the other changes to Alex Segura/King Star Tiger. --thecubsfan (talk) 10:49, 7 September 2018 (PDT)


Hi I don't remember if you mentioned it on your blog but what happened to Shocker's jaw? I saw him on a recent interview and was surprised at the drastic change in his look. He mentioned something about an injury and I vaguely remember him wearing head gear while wrestling. --Latin915 (talk) 03:04, 10 October 2018 (PDT)

Diamante Azul broke Shocker's jaw in a match. Shocker's had multiple surgeries to fix it. He says one of them did not go well and the jaw is stuck looking bad until he can get another. --thecubsfan (talk) 07:18, 10 October 2018 (PDT)

Wow interesting. Cool thanks. --Latin915 (talk) 14:58, 10 October 2018 (PDT)


Hey man. Recently I created two templates. The first is Template:9Team2RoundBracket, used in tournaments like NGX King of Deathmatch. Can you check out if the template have errors? The second one is Template:Disambiguation. I opted to create it in order to have a fastest way to use it in pages with disambiguations, shared identities, promotions with same name, etc. Please check out this one also to avoid issues. Thanks, greetings. -- Mike09 (talk) 09:52, 12 October 2018 (PDT)

Both look good to me. That's good work. --thecubsfan (talk) 12:16, 12 October 2018 (PDT)

Jesus Silva Hernandez

After you unlocked the page, the user just did the same thing 10 years later if you want to check it out.

Thanks for your time. --Latin915 (talk) 20:08, 19 August 2019 (PDT)

Dr. Karonte

Today Dr. Karonte passed away, but the question is which of all? Several, Facebook pages said it was Dr. Karonte (Manuel Almanza), but many of them mixed pictures of him and Dr. Karonte I which must be Caristico's father. Even MásLucha TV got the wrong person. Do you know which of all Dr. Karontes passed away and check if the infomartion of both is correct in their respective profiles, because I think these profiles' information is mixed up. For this reason, I do not know how to update de info. --Tunderman (talk) 17:14, 26 August 2019 (PDT)

Vanguardia 4X4 Championship

Can we upload this title here along with its history? This is a Lucha Libre title but, is a 24/7. It this title admissible here? --Tunderman (talk) 19:32, 3 February, 2020 (PDT)

Yes, it's ok. I would suggest not spending a lot of time on it unless it's something you're excited about because I don't expect it to last long or make sense, but it's admissible to include on profile pages and title histories. We should include a mention of it being under 24x7 rules on the title page. --Thecubsfan (talk) 12:20, 4 February 2020 (PST)


How many wreslters used the name of Mazambula? Because as far as I knew there is the Mazambula El Brujo (the one who lost the mask against Dos Caras and the Mazambula from Tijuana, but I did notice of the Mazambula (1967), is he the same who lost agaisnt Dos Caras or is he a different person?

Looks like the same guy. The other one didn't come up in the search I tried.

--Tunderman (talk) 15:33, 23 April, 2020 (PDT)

Double Angel Dorado Profiles

I believe these two profiles are the same. Could you merge or delete one? Thanks



--I Like Lucha (talk) 11:00, 15 February 2021 (PST)

Jack Veneno

Is Jack Veneno admisible for a Luchawiki profile? According to some sources he wrestled in Latin America including Mexico. I could cite those websites. Besides he was involved in apuestas matches. I need to make sure before adding info.

--Tunderman (talk) 18:31, 06 April 2021 (PST)

I've seen newspaper articles saying Veneno wrestled in Mexico. I can't found any results myself, but he should be safe to add. --thecubsfan (talk) 21:33, 6 April 2021 (PDT)

Edition Toolbar

What happened with the edition toolbar? I don't know you but, I am having a little trouble editing pages since the edition toolbar is gone. It is not available anymore?

--Tunderman (talk) 14:57, 22 June 2021 (PST)

I thought this was just me! I'll look into it. thecubsfan (talk) 07:29, 23 June 2021 (PDT)

I believe I have unbroken this. (Or they changed the settings and I needed to add something; it looks different than before.) You may need to refresh to see the change. --thecubsfan (talk) 07:39, 23 June 2021 (PDT)

It worked! And looks easier to use. Thank you!

--Tunderman (talk) 11:10, 23 June 2021 (PST)

User Golden Star 09

The user Golden Star 09 (who uploaded himself as Golden Star (Guerrero) is vandalizing Lady Pink's page. She hasn't lost the mask or revealed her real name publicly. I don't know if there are personal issues between them, but I've undone what he sis twice and he keeps doing this.

I told you already! You are not allowed to write names of masked wrestlers who hasn't lost the mask. That goes against the rules. If you have personal issues this is not the place. What would be a proper solution for this in order to avoid edition warring.

Tunderman (talk) 09:58, 17 October 2021 (PDT)

Thanks! I've locked the page.

I'm also going to add a block for a month - whenever we get people who just don't acknowledge messages, they're probably just going to come back again and make another mess, so might as well prevent that ahead of time. Probably will get bored and forget about this after a month - I'll make it much longer if they come back and do it again.

--thecubsfan (talk) 10:05, 17 October 2021 (PDT)


The user la Fiera seems to be fake. I haven't heard about a wrestler with such ring name. The information he provided looks exaggerated. Hasn't provide solid proofs to support his statements.but he keeps uploading "his record".

Tunderman (talk) 17:40, 1 August, 2024 (PDT)