Raul Urquieta

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Raul Urquieta
Raul Urquieta
Name Raul Urquieta
Real name Raul Federico Urquieta Briseño
Birth date Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco
Obituary date


Mask maker from Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco who started since at least 2007. At first he made masks as occupational therapy due to his depression and a psychologist recommended him doing something he liked and he thought in his love for lucha libre. He did masks one in a while and he learned his passion at fist only for himself. Sometime later he was contacted and even with his misventures, because he did not considered good at first he persevered in what he liked and he turned an occupational therapy into part of his life and support for his family.

Many famous luchadores had contacted him, but some of them for their fame believe they a doing a favor working for them and paying whatever they want and he believes that percieve what is fair by the effort. He had worked for the stars and some of the masks of his manufacture had been used in WWE, CMLL, AAA, etc.

He believes that being humble is the key to open opportunities and he likes to work masks and gears for the future stars of lucha libre.


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