Fuerza Guerrera

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Fuerza Guerrera
Fuerza Guerrera
Name Fuerza Guerrera
Real name unrevealed
Nicknames El Mosco de la Merced, El Líder (The Leader)
Name history Cachorro González (debut - 11/78), Fuerza Guerrera (12/78 - )
Family Juventud Guerrera (son), Furia Guerrera (nephew)
Maestro(s) Dick Angelo, Gallo Tapado, Raúl Reyes
Birth date, location December 14, 1953 - Mexico City
Obituary date n/a
Debut, location August 1978 - Arena San Pedro - Puebla
Lost mask to n/a
Height 5'7"/170 cms
Weight 182 lbs/82 kg
Signature moves Flying Senton, Fuerza Punt (inverted atomic drop low blow), Somersault bodyblock off the apron, tying Octagon's back mask lace to the ropes
Titles: NWA World Welterweight Title (2), WWA World Welterweight Title, National Welterweight Title, National Lightweight Title, National Tag Team Titles (5, w/ Juventud Guerrera three times, w/ Psicosis, 1 split between Mosco de la Merced I and Mosco de la Merced II), CMLL World Welterweight Title, WWA World Tag Team Titles (w/ Juventud Guerrera), IWC World Middleweight Title, National Middleweight Title, National Trios Titles (3, w/ Blue Panther & Psicosis, w/ Blue Panther & El Signo twice), WWA World Trios Titles (w/ Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis), IWRG Intercontinental Welterweight Title (2),CMLL World Trios Titles (w/ Dr. Wagner Jr. & Blue Panther)


Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
85/07/?? hairs/mask El Dandy, Fuerza Guerrera & Emilio Charles Jr. Tony Arce, Vulcano & Lemús II Arena Coliseo - Mexico City
88/07/19 hair (1) Fuerza Guerrera El Samuray Ciudad Juarez
89/12/01 mask (2) Fuerza Guerrera Rocky Star Arena México - Mexico City
91/03/08 mask Fuerza Guerrera Gallo Tapado Arena México - Mexico City
99/11/04 hair (3) Fuerza Guerrera Mike Segura Arena Naucalpan - Naucalpan, Mexico State
03/01/19 hair Fuerza Guerrera Justiciero Arena Coliseo - Coacalco, Mexico State
08/11/16 hair (4) Fuerza Guerrera Black Terry Arena Naucalpan
(1) The WWA World Welterweight Title also on the line in this match;(2) Relevos increíbles - Santo & All Star vs. Fuerza & Rocky; (3) Relevos Suicidas vs Torero/El Matador; (4) IWRG Intercontinental Welterweight Title also on the line in this match


With Juvi

w/ Kato Kung Lee
Fuerza as IWRG Welterweight Champion
w/ Doink & Fishman
with Furia Guerrera