Had his first Japanese tour in July of 1995. He has done well there because the Ultraman series is very popular among kids and youngsters, and nowadays he still tours Japan several times a year even after the name change.
In November of 1995, he teamed for the first time with Solar and Super Astro to reform The Cadetes del Espacio in El Toreo. During the early 80s, the original Cadetes (Solar, Super Astro and the original Ultramán) were a popular high flying team.
Shortly thereafter, he started to wrestle for EMLL. By January of 1996 he was already wrestling Arena Coliseo undercards.
In October of 1998 he changed his name to Starman to avoid legal trouble with the original Ultramán (Milo Ventura, who isn't a relative). Even since his debut the original had been feuding with him over the rights of the name.
On January 1, 2001, he became Ultraman Jr. again to lose his mask in a Japanese card co-promoted by Atsushi Onita and the EWF independent promotion. This mask loss was never acknowledged nor even mentioned in his home country, so he still wrestles for CMLL as a masked undercard tecnico.