Bárbaro Cavernario

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one of a few Bárbaros


Cavernario (Caveman)
Cavernario (Caveman)
Name Cavernario (Caveman)
Real name Leonardo Moreno Ayala
Nicknames "El Hombre de las Cavernas", "El Australopithecus Apestosus"
Name history El Bárbaro (debut - 2012), Baby Cavernario (2010), Bárbaro Cavernario (2012 - ), Cavernario (2014 -)
Family Demonio Maya & Indigo (brothers)
Maestro(s) Aquiles, Furia del Ring
Birth date, location November 6, 1993 - Zapopan, Jalisco
Obituary date
Debut, location 2007 or 2008 - Arena Roberto Paz, Guadalajara
Lost mask to El Gallo - March 11, 2012 - Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, Guadalajara
Height 173 cms/5'8"
Weight 89 kg/196 lbs
Signature moves Cavernaria, Diving Splash to the Floor, Slingshot Splash, Cradle Suplex
Titles: Occidente Middleweight Title (2), CMLL En Busca de un Ídolo 2014, CMLL Torneo Gran Alternativa 2014 (w/Mr. Niebla), Pacific Coast Tag Team Titles (w/Espectrum), Mexican National Welterweight Championship, CMLL National Parajes Increíbles Tournament 2017 (w/Volador Jr.), Mexican National Light Heavyweight Championship

Debuted in Arena Coliseo Guadalajara in early 2012. Figured to be a forgettable young rudo, at least for the time being, after he quickly lost his mask to Gallo in 2012. Didn't turn out that way and rebounded strong with three big hair wins later that year, including one over local legend Javier Cruz. Feuded with Smaker in the second half of the year, and finally won the Occidente Middleweight Championship from him in their third meeting.

A young luchador who's booked so strongly in one arena often is related to the people who are making the programming decisions for the arena, but there's no known relationship between Barbaro Cavernario to any other luchador.

Springboarded from his Guadalajara success to a limited Mexico City run in mid June 2013 and was well received. Seems likely to be back on the main roster at some point. Came back in early 2014 as after a continuous success in Guadalajara. Won the Gran Alternativa with Mr. Niebla, joined Peste Negra after, and won En Busca de un Idolo, 2014 as well.

Lucha de Apuestas Record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
12/03/11 Mask El Gallo El Bárbaro Arena Coliseo Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Jalisco
12/06/24 Hair (1) Bárbaro Cavernario Javier Cruz Jr. Arena Coliseo Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Jalisco
12/07/01 Hair Bárbaro Cavernario Leo Arena Coliseo Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Jalisco
12/07/15 Hair Bárbaro Cavernario Javier Cruz Arena Coliseo Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Jalisco
14/06/22 Mask (2) Cavernario Black Metal Arena Coliseo Guadalajara - Guadalajara, Jalisco
14/09/14 Hair Cavernario Rey Cometa Arena Mexico - Mexico City
16/07/01 Hair Cavernario Rey Cometa Arena Mexico - Mexico City
2018/09/14 hair Rush & Cavernario Volador Jr. & Matt Taven Arena México
(1) Three Way Match w/Leo; (2) Cage Match w/Boby Zavala, Demonio Maya, El Gallo, Esfinge, Rey Cometa, and Sádico


w/Espectrum in 2013

La Peste Negra
Negro Casas * Mr. Niebla * Felino * Zacarias* Barbaro Cavernario
Associated: Princesa Blanca * Puma King
Former: Heavy Metal * Rey Bucanero * Herodes Jr.