{{aend|<b>(1)</b> 6 women & exotico cage match; <b>(2)</b> [[Lady Apache|Apache]] & [[Electroshock|Shock]] vs. [[Chessman]] & [[Tiffany]]. Apache lost, but Shock 'sacrificed' his hair instead; <b>(3)</b> Electroshock was supposed to retire if he lost, but [[Lady Apache]] and [[Electroshock]] offered their hair up instead; <b>(4)</b> w/ [[Princesa Sujei]] & [[Marcela]]}}
{{aend|<b>(1)</b> 6 women & exotico cage match; <b>(2)</b> [[Lady Apache|Apache]] & [[Electroshock|Shock]] vs. [[Chessman]] & [[Tiffany]]. Apache lost, but Shock 'sacrificed' his hair instead; <b>(3)</b> Electroshock was supposed to retire if he lost, but [[Lady Apache]] and [[Electroshock]] offered their hair up instead; <b>(4)</b> w/ [[Princesa Sujei]] & [[Marcela]]; '''(5)''' Ruleta de Muerte with [[Zeuxis]] & [[Estrellita]]}}
Lady Apache is an on and off member of CMLL & AAA. In her career she has jumped back and forth between those promotions multiple times with stretches of being associated with neither thrown in.
Lady Apache's out of the ring relationships (and the ending of them) seem to have hurt her career for now. Her short 2005 stint in CMLL was speculated to be aborted because of a backstage feud between her and her husband Electroshock and wrestler's union leader (and ex-husband) Brazo de Oro. Her return to AAA might have been just as short because of a (long rumored) break up with Electroshock. She now seems to be on her own.
When CMLL started programming women's bouts in Arena Mexico and Arena Coliseo DF, it seemed like Lady Apache was positioned to be the top tecnica star as she had been in AAA but after rudas Amapola and Dark Angel stole the first match (literally and figuratively), that perception changed. She still might have had a large role with the division, but her bit of bouncing back and forth between companies has left her in a spot of "young legend who's not particularly pushed."