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Xtreme Latin American Wrestling, also called X-LAW, is a Mexican independent promotion that was created in 2001 by Ernesto Ocampo and Manuel Flores and claimed to be the first "Extreme" promotion in Mexico, patterened in great part on the Philadelphia, U.S. based Extreme Championship Wrestling. The promotion closed in 2005 but was brought back by Ocampo and Flores in 2009, centered around L.A. Park. They are not a regular promotion with a fixed roster but instead hold occasional shows with some of the top names not working for CMLL or AAA at the moment.
With L.A. Park working for AAA wrestlers such as Joe Lider and Nicho el Millionario working for XLAW.
- X-LAW Heavyweight Championship (Active)
- X-LAW Junior Heavyweight Championship (Active)
- X-LAW International Championship (Active)
- X-LAW Tag Team Championship (Inactive)
- X-LAW Welterweight Championship (Active)
- X-LAW Women's Championship (Active)