IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (w/Yujiro), IWGP Tag Team Championship (w/Yujiro), Never Openweight Championship, IWGP Heavyweight Championship, IWGP Intercontinental Championship
Wrestling Observer Hall Of Fame Member
Came to Mexico as one half of NJPW's No Limit team, part of the talent exchange between the promotions. Naito and Yujiro ran over both CMLL tecnicos and rudos during the second half of 2009. Naito picked up Toscano's hair in the finals of a 2009's Inferno en el Ring cage match, but the duo lost to Texano & Terrible at the year end show. (No Limit later got the revenge by retaining the IWGP Tag Team championship over Terrible & Texano a couple months later in Japan.) Naito enjoyed Mexico enough to return for another, shorter tour in early 2010, this time teaming with Taichi. Naito turned up again in Mexico in 2011 in an uneventful stint, though he continues to be adopted by the Mexican fans.
Naito was the more popular and charismatic half of the tag team while in Japan. His signature "circle eye" gesture comes from responding to ringside lucha fans, who had been taunting him with squinty eye gestures. Other luchadors picked up on it, and it became a running gag from there.