Dr. Maldad (Laguna)

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Dr. Maldad
Dr. Maldad
Name Dr. Maldad
Real name
Nicknames los hermanos maldad
Name history Dr. King I, Dr. Maldad, Coloso de Troya
Family Mr. Maldad (brother)
Maestro(s) Diablo Velazco, Bobby Segura, Gran Cochisse
Birth date, location
Obituary date
Debut, location
Lost mask to
Signature moves

Wrestled in AAA in their first year, including taking part in the first ever AAA match (w/Mr. Maldad versus Quarterback & Super Bowl), a match which was not televised. Mostly wrestled in those level of matches. Not a lot is known about his post AAA career, but he's believed to be the same luchador who would later (and maybe before) in Torreon/Coahuila.


los hermanos maldad
los hermanos maldad
los Colosos de troya & Roma
los Colosos de troya & Roma
los hermanos maldad