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This Week's Featured ArticleThe Volador/Misterioso combo still remains as one of the best tag teams ever in the history of lucha libre. Most modern fans are quick to point out how Volador was "by far" the best worker and "carrier" of the team, but actually most old-time lucha fans and experts in Mexico and California agree that Misterioso was the best luchador of the team until sometime in 1993 (probably early in the year). Volador was always flashier, but Misterioso's timing and execution was generally better. However Volador really improved, and at the same time Misterioso became very inconsistent due to his recreational lifestyle, injuries, and the fact that he was a guy that naturally aged fast. |
Recent AdditionsPages of note which have been added in the last few days include: Moves: Asai Moonsault into opponent's feet, Asai Moonsault(inside ring), Asai Moonsault(outside the ring), Assisted Cutter, Assisted Faceslam, Assisted Plancha, Boston Crab, Bullet tope suicida, Cangrejo, Corkscrew Bodyblock, Corner Headstand, Corner Tope Suicida, Cristo Invertido, Double dropkick, Double team facebuster, Double Underhook Facebuster, Double Underhook Sitout Facebuster, El Nudo Lagunero, Enzuigiri, Faking low blows, Flying Armdrag, Gorilla Press, Guerrero Special, Handspring Blind Tope, La Careta, La Lanza, La Montana, La Silla, Low Blow, Media Cerrajera, Jumping Blind Tope, Plancha, Plancha Suicida, Monkey Flip, Moonsault Plancha, Running tope suicida, Salida de Bandera, Salto Mortal, Senton, Spin Kick, Spinning headscissors into octopus hold, Springboard Armdrag, Springboard Moonsault Plancha, Sunset Flip Power Bomb, Swastika, Tope con Giro, Tope en Reversa, Tope of Death, Tope Suicida, Tornillo Articles: Leyenda de Plata, Robert Bihari's Best Matches Ever List, Super Astros Episode Guide |
Notable EssayRobert Bihari, Top Lucha Matches of All-Time :" WHY put a list like this together? Simple... back when I first got the internet and began to get into Lucha Libre, there was no list like this available. When I?d ask around for what the better matches were, I?d get generic answers such as ?any AAA from 1993-1995?, ?any CMLL with Santo vs Negro? and ?all the Promo Azteca footage?. While those answers aren?t completely wrong, they are quite broad and you?d have to spend a lifetime collecting every AAA TV episode from those years or every CMLL match involving both El Hijo Del Santo and Negro Casas.:) The goal is for this list to become a valuable tool for any Lucha newbies who want to see the best that Mexico has to offer." |
Categories of ArticlesWrestlers are sorted into those born in Mexico, and those born elsewhere, broken down even more by various individual countries. There's also bio listings for Mini Estrellas, Female Wrestlers and Referees. More categories will be added soon, as well as a table of contents. If there's someone or something you're looking for but just can't seem to find, try the search box on the left side. |
If you want to help adding profiles, but you don't feel like you have the proper lucha knowledge, there's a huge list of foreign wrestlers (male or female) wanted to be added at: To do
Coming Soon
More articles! More bios! Things I'm not even thinking about right now! A Task List is now up for you to openly mock as nothing gets accomplished.
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If you're completely confused, the admins can be contacted @ luchawiki at thecubsfan dot com - well, I can. I should work on that. (It's ON THE LIST.)
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