Ángel Azteca Jr.

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Angel Azteca Jr.
Angel Azteca Jr.
Name Angel Azteca Jr.
Real name
Name history Cobrita Oriental, Fantastico II, Angel Azteca Jr.
Family Viento Negro (father), Angel Azteca(uncle), unclear relationship to Fantastico I
Maestro(s) Angel Azteca, El Indio Chiricagua, Satánico
Birth date, location June 1, 1980- Torreòn, Coahuila
Obituary date
Debut, location 1995- Juarez
Lost mask to
Height 171 cm/5'7"
Weight 81 kg/178 lbs
Signature moves single jump springboard moonsault, Palanca Azteca


Former member of Los Fantasticos in the Laguna area. He changed his name to Angel Azteca Jr., presumably with the permission of the original Ángel Azteca and his brother/partner changed to Ángel Azteca II before settling on the name Imperio Azteca. Currently works as an opening match wrestler in CMLL and seems to have a bright future ahead of him. Occasionally part of a a trio with Angel de Plata and Angel de Oro.


w/Angel Azteca II, 2006