Trueno |
Trueno |
Name |
Trueno |
Real name |
Nicknames |
El pollo |
Name history |
Mr. Treuno, Trueno, has used other names |
Family |
the original Trueno (father) |
Maestro(s) |
the original Trueno, Satanico |
Birth date, location |
May 10th, 1977 - Monterrey |
Obituary date |
Debut, location |
December 20th, 1998 |
Lost mask to |
n/a |
Height |
(1.72m) |
Weight |
(83 kg) |
Signature moves |
La Sultana |
Titles: |
Nuevo Laredo State Welterweight Championship |
Information taken from interview with El Halcon Net newsletter #58 #1
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