Yousuke Aoki

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Yousuke Aoki
Yousuke Aoki
Name Yousuke Aoki
Real name Yousuke Aoki
Name history Yousuke Aoki (debut-2007), Spark Aoki (2007-current)
Maestro(s) Ultimo Dragon
Birth date, location
Obituary date
Debut, location August 31, 2003 - Gymnasium De La Unida de Quatemok
Lost mask to
Signature moves Double Underhook Suplex

Debuted in the opener of the August 2003 Toryumon Mexico show. He never made his to Japan as part of the Toryumon X clase, disappearing shortly after debuting. Returned to wrestling from seemingly nowhere in 2006, joining El Dorado where he changed his name to "Spark Aoki". Wrestled full time for them until them closed at the end of 2008 and is now a freelancer.