Culichi Brothers

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Revision as of 23:47, 27 March 2008 by Guppy95 (talk | contribs)
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Historia: Este grupo fue creado principalmente por Monster Truck I, Monster Truck II y El Gran Psiclope. Tuvieron grandes victorias entre ellas Las cabelleras y Mascaras de Ventarron King I (Mario Mora), y Ventarron King II.

Tiempo despues se unieron los luchadores Mazatlecos Relámpago yKempo Dragón, y despues el veterano Muralla Negra.

El 25 de Febrero del año 2008 Psiclope Se declaro rudo , traicionando a este grupo " Culichi Brothers ".



Translation to English: History: This group was created principally by Monster Truck I , Monster Truck II and The Great Psiclope. Big victories had between them The hairs and Masks of Ventarron King I (Mario Mora), and Ventarron King II.

The Time there joined the fighters Mazatlecos Relámpago and Kempo Dragón, and time the veteran Muralla Negra.

On February 25, 2008 Psiclope I declare roughly, betraying to this group "Culichi Brothers".

