Sydistiko III

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Paul London
Paul London
Name Paul London
Real name Paul Michael London
Nicknames The Dolphin Master, The Excellence of Innovation, The Intrepid Traveler, El Vegas Dragon
Name history Paul London (debut -), El Gran Luchadore (2004), Sydistiko II (2011 -)
Maestro(s) Christopher Daniels, Dory Funk Jr., Ivan Putski, Texas Wrestling Academy, Shawn Michaels, Rudy Boy Gonzales
Birth date, location April 16, 1980 - Austin, Texas
Obituary date
Debut, location April 7, 2000
Lost mask to
Height 178 cm/5'10"
Weight 93 kg/205 lbs
Signature moves 450 Splash/Cosmic Cyclone, Dropsault, Down the Rabbit Hole/London Calling/London Star Press/Shooting Star Press/Totally Sydistik, Legsweep DDT, Mushroom Stomp, Standing Shooting Star Press, Superkick, Waffle Face
Titles: 2003 ECWA Super 8 Tournament, ETW Television Title, FC Hardcore Title, FC United States Title, FC Tag Team Title (w/ Adam Windsor), FC Television Title, NEW Title, NWA Texas Television Title, PCW Television Title, PWG World Tag Team Title (w/ El Generico), 2010 PWG DDT4 (w/ El Generico), PWX Heavyweight Title, WWE Cruiserweight Title, WWE Tag Team Title (2, w/ Billy Kidman (1), Brian Kendrick (1), WWE World Tag Team Title (w/ Brian Kendrick)


In 2011, London made his debut for Lucha Libre USA as Sydistiko, as a replacement of TJ Perkins. Also in 2011 wrestled for EAW.
