Flash (original)

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This is the original Flash. See Flash for a full list of those who've used that name.

Flash I
Flash I
Name Flash I
Real name Francisco Gaytan
Name history
Family Flash I & II (sons)
Maestro(s) Diablo Velasco
Birth date, location
Obituary date
Debut, location
Lost mask to
Signature moves
Titles: Campeonato Nacional Ligero (2 ocasiones)

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
??/??/?? mask Eclipse Flash Arena Coliseo - Guadalajara, Jalisco


(translated from spanish)
Francisco Gaytan is recognized as one of the masters of lucha libre in Guadalajara. He's a noted maestro of newer stars, having taught men such as Shocker, Mr. Aguila, Rayman, and Cien Caras Jr..

Flash I lost his mask in a somewhat controversal match with Eclispe, with an illegal martinete leading to the result.

At the present time, Flash I has left his long time home of Arena Coliseo Guadalajara. He's working to ally with promoters and has taken his services to a smaller companyw hich runs in El Salto, Jalisco.

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