NRM-FULL Gigantes del Ring Championship

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The NRM-FULL Gigantes del Ring Title is an independent professional wrestling championship promoted by Tinieblas Jr.'s Federacion Universal De Lucha Libre (FULL) and Mexican broadcast network Nucleo Radio Mil (NRM).

Current Champion

Hijo de Pirata Morgan is the current champion. He defeated Hijo de Mascara Sagrada on July 19, 2013 in Lienzo Charro Constituyentes of Mexico City.

History of Championship

The championship was created by Federacion Universal De Lucha Libre and their sponsor Nucleo Radio Mil. NRM and FULL held an eight-man Torneo Cibernetico on April 20, 2012 in which last two survivors advanced to a singles match for the title scheduled to May 4. Pirata Morgan defeated Seminarista in Lienzo Charro Constituyentes of Mexico City and became the inaugural champion.

Champions Listing

# Champion(s) Defeated Date Location
tournament to crown the first champion
1 Pirata Morgan Seminarista 2012.05.04 Lienzo Charro Constituyentes - Mexico City
2 Hijo de Mascara Sagrada Pirata Morgan 2012.10.19 Lienzo Charro Constituyentes - Mexico City
3 Hijo de Pirata Morgan Hijo de Mascara Sagrada 2013.07.19 Lienzo Charro Constituyentes - Mexico City
title change
successful title defense
championship matches which were announced, but results were not found


Gallery of Champions

Pirata Morgan, 1st Champion
Hijo de Mascara Sagrada, 2nd Champion
Hijo de Pirata Morgan, 3rd Champion