CMLL Torneo Bicentenario

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In 2010, CMLL held two Torneo Bicentenarios, in honor of Mexico's 200th anniversary. One was held for the minis division, while a latter one was held for the main division. Both involved two blocks of wrestlers in ciberneticos, which lead in to a final match between the winners.


In August, CMLL held the bicentenario tournament for minis. The winner of the tournament would receive entry into the main division. All matches were held on the Tuesday Arena Mexico show.

August 10th Cibernetico

  1. Cisne
  2. Fantasy
  3. Pequeño Olímpico
  4. Pequeño Violencia
  5. Saturno
  6. Pequeño Nitro
  7. Eléctrico

Leaving Demus 3:16 as the winner

August 17th Cibernetico

  1. Aereo
  2. Pequeño Halcón
  3. Pequeño Universo 2000
  4. Astral
  5. Último Dragoncito
  6. Pequeño Warrior
  7. Bam Bam

Pierrothito won, in a surprise over favorite Bam Bam.

August 24th Final

Demus 3:16 defeated Pierrothito in a three fall match.
