Pompín |
Name |
Pompín |
Real name |
Ismael Rodriguez & Arturo Ramirez-POMPIN(CMLL Referee) are NOT the same person!!! |
Nicknames |
"El Charles Bronson Mexicano" (The Mexican Charles Bronson) |
Name history |
Rebelde Rojo, Charles Bronson Mexicano, Pompín(Arturo Ramirez-CMLL Referee)NEVER wrestled as EL REBELDE ROJO!!! |
Family |
Rebelde Jr. (Son) |
Maestro(s) |
Birth date, location |
30s |
Obituary date |
Debut, location |
1955 |
Lost mask to |
Ultraman |
Height |
Weight |
Signature moves |
Titles: |
Welter Weight Title, Middleweight Title |