Los Cadetes Del Espacio (AAA)

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Los Cadetes Del Espacio (The Space Cadets) were originally a group based in the UWA comprised of Solar, Super Astro & Ultraman. The idea was to put three young high flyers together and they would steal the show with their crazy acrobatics. In 1995, Antonio Pena created a group called Los Power Raiders for his AAA promotion. The gimmick was obviously a ripoff of the characters from the popular Power Rangers TV series. In August of 1995, Pena was sued by Mattel, the creators of the Power Rangers TV series. As a result he decided to take some of the guys in the Power Raiders gimmick and turn them into his own version of Space Cadets. They included:

  • Venum (ex-Power Raider Verde/Green Power Ranger)
  • Ludxor (ex-Power Raider Negro/Black Power Ranger)
  • Discovery (ex-Power Raider Azul/Blue Power Ranger)
  • Frisbee (ex-Power Raider Rojo/Red Power Ranger)
  • Boomerang (ex-Power Raider Blanco/White Power Ranger)

Frisbee and Boomerang would eventually leave the promotion and the gimmicks would be passed onto younger wrestlers (Neo & Geo) who faded away after a short while.

In 1997 a new member joined the stable:

This incarnation turned out to be the most successful with their matches against Los Rudos De La Galaxia being quite memorable.

In September of 1997, a mass exodus of wrestlers left AAA for Promo Azteca. Venum and Super Nova were included in that group and they took on the new roles of Venum Black & Oro Jr.. Pena, however, decided the gimmick must go on and create new versions of the wrestlers who left him:

All the publications at the time (Box y Lucha & SuperLuchas) came out and revealed Pena was using new wrestlers under the gimmicks which all but killed any momentum the group had. They stuck around AAA until March 1999 before Venum II left for Monterrey (where he continues to wrestle till this day), Discovery left for Chicago (where he continues to wrestle till this day) and Super Nova II lasted only a short time because he was AWFUL and got replaced by Super Nova III. Finally, Ludxor stuck around AAA for another year or so before fading into obscurity.