Super Kendo

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Super Kendo
Super Kendo
Name Super Kendo
Real name Ezequiel Antonio Rivera
Nicknames The Swordsman, El Chombo
Name history El Brillante (debut - 08/84), Kendo (08/01/84 - ), Kendo Star (original), Kato Kung Lee II (92), Transformer (92 - 94, L.A., 04 - ), El Ninja (01/95 - 04/95), Ninja de Fuego (04/95 - ), Super Kendo (07/98 - ), El Idiota (11/04 - ), Super Araña (Pachuca, 01/05 - ), AKIYOSHI (AJPW 2007)
Family Kendo Star (2nd version, cousin), Kimura (son)
Maestro(s) unknown
Birth date, location September 18, 1956 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Obituary date
Debut, location 1972 - Dominican Republic
Lost mask to Dos Caras (as Brillante); Blue Panther - May 1988 (as Kendo)
Height 5'9"/174 cms
Weight 189 lbs/86 kg
Signature moves Kendo kip-ups and jump taunt, Springboard Blind Tope, Huracarrana, Plancha, Tope Suicida
Titles: Santo Domingo Light Heavyweight Title, UWA World Tag Team Titles (w/ Gran Hamada), Central American Middleweight Title, National Cruiserweight Title, WWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Title


Kendo made his pro debut in 1972 and wrestled as El Brillante (The Brilliant One) in his home country of the Dominican Republic, as well as Panamá, for several years. While wrestling in Panamá, Perro Aguayo and Anibal discovered him and took him to the UWA. His Mexican debut was in 1981, and he wrestled for several years in small arenas still as El Brillante. Under that name, he lost his mask to Dos Caras and his hair to Blue Panther.

He became Kendo on August 1, 1984 at El Toreo and adopted a Martial Arts gimmick along the lines of "Los Fantasticos": Kato Kung Lee, Kung Fu and Black Man. He was a regular lightweight El Toreo undercarder and teamed many times with El Hijo del Santo against rudos like Negro Casas and Blue Panther. In the smaller arenas, he was also a part of several "Fantasticos" trios with Kato, Black Man, Avispón Negro and Silver King.

Kendo lost his mask to Blue Panther in May 1988 at the Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez Moreno ("Auditorio de Tijuana"). This was a big match, and he definitely was paid well, but... without his mask, his popularity went down big time. He'd do the same jumps, taunts, and tricks, but without the mask his charm was gone. Seeing that his career was going downhill, he (along with Ultramán, whose case was exactly the same,) asked the commission for permission to get masked again but both petitions were rejected.

However, his luck changed in 1990 when he was sent to Japan for a tour with Gran Hamada's Universal Pro. He put his mask back on and got over HUGE. The Japanese crowds loved him and would continuously cheer his name while clapping. He came back to Mexico with renewed spirits and got masked again as Kendo Star (his cousin, Salsero, would later wrestle as Kendo Star too), but people knew it was a fraud so he was stuck in the undercard. A few weeks later, Kato Kung Lee II was born. Benjamín Mora (Tijuana promoter) got real mad since he knew it was Kendo and he was the one who booked the Kendo vs. Panther mask match, so KKL II ended early. At the same time, El Celestial also appeared in the UWA. This was Black Man I, who, funnily enough, suffered the same fate as Kendo after losing his hood. Everybody in Mexico and Japan thought that Celestial was Kendo, so, by Kendo's request, the Japanese magazine Weekly Gong broke the story that Kendo was Kato II. This had everyone confused, so they had Celestial and Kendo together in a photo spread to prove they were different luchadores, and Black Man I finally admitted he was Celestial.

Kendo had a bad rep and he wanted a change, so he became Transformer (not to be confused with AAA's 1995 Transformer) in both Mexico and Japan. With the UWA going down, Ezequiel ended up in PROMELL and changed his name to Ninja de Fuego. As PROMELL and AAA co-promoted during some months, he also wrestled some for Antonio Peña. PROMELL later became Promo Azteca and Kendo stayed there, though during 1997 he was booked in some CMLL Japan tours where he used both the Ninja and Kendo gimmicks.

On December of 1997, he jumped to CMLL, where he still wrestles. He underwent a final name change in July of 1998 and became Super Kendo, though he hasn't totally dropped the Ninja de Fuego gimmick as he still uses it from time to time. Kendo is still an Arena Coliseo and Mexico undercard feature and he tours Japan several times a year competing for Great Sasuke's Michinoku Pro. As a fun fact, Kendo is also a mask designer (during the late 80s and early 90s he had a big masks shop) and the original designs of all his masks are his own creations.

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
??/??/?? mask Bestia Salvaje Ninja de Fuego Arena Coliseo - Guadalajara, Jalisco
??/??/?? hair Super Kendo Mosco de la Merced Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
83/06/05 mask (1) Dos Caras El Brillante Palacio de los Deportes - Mexico City
83/12/20 hair El Brillante Destino Negro Pista Arena Revolución - Mexico City
84/06/24 hair Blue Panther El Brillante Arena Querétaro - Querétaro, Querétaro
88/02/19 hair Kendo Silver King Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
88/05/?? mask Blue Panther Kendo Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
92/??/?? hair Panterita del Ring Kendo Monterrey, Nuevo León
92/02/09 hair Kendo El Mohicano II Arena San Lorenzo - San Lorenzo, Mexico State
92/05/28 mask Transformer Zeus Pista Arena Revolución - Mexico City
93/12/19 masks Transformer & The King Aguila Negra & Siniestro El Toreo - Naucalpan, Mexico State
02/06/16 mask (2) Super Kendo Solar II Arena Coliseo - Mexico City
02/07/26 mask Super Parka Super Kendo Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
03/09/27 hair Shu El Guerrero Super Kendo Deportivo Moctezuma - México Citu
04/10/22 hair (3) Intocable Super Kendo Auditorio de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California
(1) 12 man ruleta; (2) 8 men cage match; (3) Super Kendo beat Intocable with a faul, but the commission reversed the decision


as Brillante in rookie year
Los Nuevos Fantasticos
Los Nuevos Fantasticos
looking awesome as Transformer
another shot of Transformer w/out helmet
as Idiota on the left


After winning Solar's II mask
Kendo on his early years
Kato Kung Lee 2
as ninja de fuego
as AKIYOSHI in AJPW 2007