Zorro Plateado II

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Zorro Plateado
Zorro Plateado
Name Zorro Plateado
Real name
Nicknames The New Zorro Plateado
Name history Zorro Plateado (2004 current)
Family Zorro Plateado (father), Zorro Plateado Jr., Indios Kikapo I & Indio Kikapo II
Maestro(s) Zorro Plateado, Green Demon, Chavo Lomelí
Birth date, location February 26, 1972
Obituary date
Debut, location April 25, 2004
Lost mask to It never lost mask
Height 1.78 mts
Weight 85 kgs
Signature moves La de a Caballo

Luchas de apuestas record


2005 w/Zorro Plateado (father)