Main Page
Welcome to luchawiki!
This Week's Featured Bio![]() During a trios match in which Eddy Guerrero and El Hijo Del Santo had Love Machine in the opposite team, Machine ripped off Santo's mask, put it on, and attacked Guerrero while pointing to himself like trying to say "Look at me, I'm Santo!". Machine then returned the mask to its owner, only to see an enraged Eddy Guerrero turn on Santo. A week later, Guerrero formed an alliance with Machine, "La Pareja Del Terror" (The team of terror). The influence of Guerrero and Machine changed lucha libre forever. Guerrero had been wrestling more and more in Japan and started using high impact suplexes and brain busters during his lucha matches. On the other hand, Machine was the American cocky, coward, old-style heel. Or like Konnan later said "Art was the Ric Flair of Mexico". |
Recent AdditionsPages of note which have been added or adjusted in the last few days include: Taguchi, El Puma Inoue, Fantasy II, Leono, Sombrita and Rey Tigre, and also many championship histories. |
Articles Worth ReadingA favorite page from La Arena, the Lucha Dictionary has been added to the wiki. Also, we've started a page with information of when/where you can watch lucha in different parts of the world - please add any additional information you might have. |
Categories of ArticlesWrestlers are sorted into those born in Mexico, and those born elsewhere, broken down even more by various individual countries. There's also bio listings for Mini Estrellas, Female Wrestlers and Referees. More categories will be added soon, as well as a table of contents. If there's someone or something you're looking for but just can't seem to find, try the search box on the left side. |
System Update
The luchawiki software was upgraded on Tuesday, 2006.03.28. If there appears to be any problems with the upgrade, contact thecubsfan
If you want to help adding profiles, but you don't feel like you have the proper lucha knowledge, there's a huge list of foreign wrestlers (male or female) wanted to be added at: To do
Coming Soon
More articles! More bios! Things I'm not even thinking about right now! A Task List is now up for you to openly mock as nothing gets accomplished.
Anyone who signs up for an account is free to comment, add, and edit. People who come to destroy will be swiftly removed. A specfic Rules list is coming, but in general, don't be a moron.
Feedback's appreicated.
- For page specific feedback, use the discussion tab on those pages
- For general feedback and request for new features, please use the Suggestion Page or the Errors Found.
- For help with wiki syntax and other fun editing things, you can try the Wiki Confusion page, although if I haven't already done it myself at this point, I'm probably going to just be checking the [Wiki Handbook] and trying to figure out, so you may just skip me.
If you're completely confused, the admins can be contacted @ luchawiki at thecubsfan dot com - well, I can. I should work on that. (It's ON THE LIST.)
Editors: the Sandbox and Old Main Page are still around.