Dragón Rojo Jr.

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Dragon Rojo Jr.
Dragon Rojo Jr.
Name Dragon Rojo Jr.
Real name unrevealed
Name history Zaracatán Jr (debut - late 2006), Diamante Negro (late 2006 - July 2008), El Susto (Monterrey: 03/06), Dragon Rojo (Jr.) (July 2008 - current)
Maestro(s) Raúl "Loco" Díaz, Dandy Garcia, Satanico
Birth date, location Nov 3, 1982 - Gomez Palacio, Durango
Obituary date
Debut, location
Lost mask to
Height 5' 10"/180 cm
Weight 175 lb/80 kg
Signature moves Flying Legdrop (opponent suspended in ropes), Flying Legdrop,Powerbomb, Diamante Kick
Titles: Torneo Gran Alternativa 2008 (w/ Ultimo Guerrero)

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
07/09/23 hair Diamante Negro Tackle Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gómez Palacio. Durango
07/??/?? hair Diamante Negro Guerrero Arena Olimpico Laguna - Gómez Palacio. Durango

About Me

About Me: I was Born on November 3th On Torreon Coahuila, and im the frist child of 3 in my family. My family lives in Gomez Palacio, Durango, that is a part of La Comarca Lagunera. In a city where alot of great wrestlers have come from like: Los Stukas, Las Gemas, Los Hermanos Espanto, Dr Wagner, Black Warrior, Euforia, El Mestizo, Blue Panther, Misterioso, Sombra and Ultimo Guerrero to name a few. Im a very nice person. As a chiled i was quite,shy, pasionate, dreamer and have a great outlook of life. When I face troubles in life this attitude helps me alot. My childhood was normal as every kid in La Laguna, chores, have fun with my friends and brothers.I always liked any fisical activity and specially Football, I could play it for hours with the kids from el rumbo and it made me very happy.I Hill always sheris these moments. My family is very closed my mom teaches the values and rules of the love and respect to each other and to God. Thats why even at hars points in my life i go thourgh them with courage. My father is a teacher and had a strong influence in the love I have for teaching . Beacuse of this i decide to study the profesión at la Escuela de Licenciatura en Educación Física (ELEF) the one i got the title of Licenciado en Educación Física. While I was attending school i started to g oto Gym Ranger, that is in my hometown of Gómez Palacio, Durango, the place where fututre strats of this sport trained and train. Lucha Libre changad my life, one day the great teacher and wrestler Mr. Dandy García, invited me to work some shoot wrestling. There I found i have a nack for it and have the skills I never know I had. So I started to train with Dandy Garcia and learn the inside of this sport. It was the year 2000 and I had 20 years, and I know that alot of people thought that it was a little to late to trained but i still did it. 1 hour inside the ring and 1 hour of gym, from Monday to Friday and also in a very strong diet taht i still do to this day. The diference between some of my coaluges is that im a first generation wrestler and none of my family is interested in this sport. Mr. Dandy García became my guide and my teacher. Later I went to the teachin of El Loco Diaz. Both teachers are very strict and if your not ready you couldnt debut. After months of preparation I debuted on June 28th 2001 by the name of Zaracatan Jr. The name was given to me by one of my maestros and I was a tecnico, this gvem the award of Novato del Año. They started to book me on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday in Gomez, Torreon and other local arenas. The comino out of Diamante Negro. El Rey de las Gemas. One day I suffer and Injury and I have to retitre for 2 years, this gave me alot time to think and to reflect about myslef and my carrer and to pend time with my family. Durin this time my carácter had a transformation and I felt more connected to the rudo side. I feel I hended to Express the way I felt but couldnt do in the Tecnico side. So I decided if I came back to wrestling would be as a rudo and under Diamante Negro name. My recovery was long and hard but Diamnte Negro would come to La Laguna no matter what.

Still need to translate more...


Winning Tackle's Hair
Arena Olimpico Laguna
With Virus, Arena Olimpico Laguna
Arena Olimpico Laguna
With Nitro & Skandalo, Arena Mexico
Arena Mexico

After Hair vs Mask match with Tackle
As Diamante Negro
As Dragon Rojo Jr.
Gran Alternativa 2008 winner
Patadas Laguneras

Diamante- RobertGar.jpg

File:Diamante- RobertGar.jpg
Olimpico Laguna