Gran Alternativa League, 1995

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CMLL held a league style qualifying tournament for the 1995 Gran Alternativa#1995. Twenty luchadors were grouped into five blocks. Each luchador wrestled every other wrestler in their block round-robin style for a total of four matches. Two points were awarded for a win, one point for a loss. The two luchadors with the most points in each group advanced to the tournament stage.

CMLL mentioned the matches as taking place in Arena Coliseo & Pista Arena Revolucion. Results, and even lineups, are scarce from those arenas during this time. The tournament was not mentioned on TV regularly; the incomplete standings come from the April 1st TV show

Group A

Standings as of the April 1st TV, with the exception of the April 2nd match.

Group A Standings
Name Matches Wins Draw Losses Points
Shocker 4 4 0 0 8
Guerrero de la Muerte 3 2 0 1 4
Cerebro 3 1 1 1 3
Olimpico 4 0 2 2 2
Ultimatum 4 0 1 3 1
Group A (Known) Matches
Date Side A Decision Side B Location
March 11 Guerrero de la Muerte WIN Ultimatum Pista Arena Revolucion
March 11 Cerebro DRAW Olimpico Pista Arena Revolucion
March 14 Shocker WIN Guerrero de la Muerte Arena Coliseo
March 14 Ultimatum DRAW Olimpico Arena Coliseo
April 2 Shocker WIN Ultimatum Pista Arena Revolucion
unknown Shocker WIN Olimpico unknown
unknown Shocker WIN Cerebro unknown
unknown Guerrero de la Muerte WIN Olimpico unknown
unknown Cerebro WIN Ultamtum unknown
unknown Guerrero de la Muerte unknown Cerebro unknown

Guerrero de la Muerte did advance in second place, meaning he must've defeated or went to a draw with Cerebro in their final remaining match.

Group B

Final standings

Group 2 Standings
Name Matches Wins Draw Losses Points
Halcon Negro Jr. 4 3 1 0 7
Atlantico 4 2 2 0 6
Tornado Negro 4 2 0 2 4
Nuevo Lynx 4 1 0 3 2
Mr. Niebla 4 0 1 3 1

Group 2 Matches
Date Side A Decision Side B Location
March 12 Halcon Negro Jr. WIN Nuevo Lynx Arena Coliseo
March 12 Atlantico WIN Tornado Negro Arena Coliseo
March 14 Atlantico WIN Nuevo Lynx Arena Coliseo
April 2nd Atlantico DRAW Mr. Niebla Pista Arena Revolucion
unknown Tornado Negro WIN Mr. Niebla unknown
unknown Nuevo Lynx WIN Mr. Niebla unknown
unknown Tornado Negro WIN Nuevo Lynx unknown
unknown Halcon Negro Jr. WIN Mr. Niebla unknown
unknown Atlantico DRAW Halcon Negro Jr. unknown
unknown Halcon Negro Jr. WIN Tornado Negro unknown

Group C

Through the April 1st TV update.

Group C Standings
Name Matches Wins Draw Losses Points
MS-1 Jr. 3 3 0 0 6
Corazon Salvaje 3 2 1 0 5
Escudero Rojo 4 1 2 1 4
America 4 0 2 2 2
Olimpus 4 0 1 3 1
Group C Matches
Date Side A Decision Side B Location
March 12 MS-1 Jr. WIN Escudero Rojo Pista Arena Revolucion
March 12 Corazon Salvaje WIN America Pista Arena Revolucion
March 14 Corazon Salvaje WIN Olimpus Arena Coliseo
March 28 America DRAW Olimpus Arena Coliseo
unknown MS-1 Jr. WIN America unknown
unknown MS-1 Jr. WIN Olimpus unknown
unknown Escudero Rojo WIN Olimpus unknown
unknown Escudero Rojo DRAW Corazon Salvaje unknown
unknown Escudero Rojo DRAW America unknown
unknown MS-1 Jr. unknown Corazon Salvaje unknown

MS-1 Jr. finished first overall, so he defeated Corazon Salvaje or they went to a draw.

Group D

Thru the April 1st TV update.

Group D Standings
Name Matches Wins Draw Losses Points
Astro Jr. 3 2 1 0 5
Chicago Express 3 2 1 0 5
Rey Bucanero 3 1 1 1 4
Trueno 4 0 2 2 2
Metalico 3 0 1 2 1

Astro Rey Jr. is later mentioned as finishing first, Chicago Express second. It's unclear which matches were left to play.

Group D Matches
Date Side A Decision Side B Location
March 11 Metalico unknown Astro Jr. Pista Arena Revolucion
March 11 Trueno unknown Chicago Express Pista Arena Revolucion
unknown Chicago Express unknown Astro Jr. unknown
unknown Rey Bucanero unknown Astro Jr. unknown
unknown Trueno unknown Astro Jr. unknown
unknown Chicago Express unknown Rey Bucanero unknown
unknown Chicago Express unknown Metalico unknown
unknown Chicago Express unknown Trueno unknown
unknown Chicago Express unknown Metalico unknown
unknown Trueno unknown Metalico unknown