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Flamita (Little Flame)
Flamita (Little Flame)
Name Flamita (Little Flame)
Real name
Name history Flamita (debut -), Fireball (AAA, 2015 - 2016), Octagón Jr. (AAA, 2016), Night Claw (LU, 2016)
Family El Retador (father), Toro Negro (grandfather), Toro Negro Jr., Flama Roja (uncles), Torito Negro (cousin)
Maestro(s) El Retador, Flama Roja, Taz el Feroz, Arkangel de la Muerte, Franco Colombo
Birth date, location November 30, 1994 - Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico State[1]
Obituary date
Debut, location December 12, 2005 - Arena San Juan Pantitlán, Nezahualcoyotl
Lost mask to
Height 170 cm/5'7"
Weight 73 kg/161 lb
Signature moves 450° Splash, Codebreaker, Double Knee Gutbuster, Fly Flame, Phoenix Splash, Retador, Springboard Tornillo Plancha, Standing Moonsault, Standing Shooting Star Press, Tiger Driver Backcracker, Toro
Titles: AULL Lightweight Championship, DTU Alto Impacto Championship (2), Mexico State Minis Championship, Open The Brave Gate Championship, Open The Triangle Gate Championship (w/Eita & T-Hawk), PROGRESS Tag Team Championship (w/Bandido), The Crash Cruiserweight Championship

Mexico City area tecnico, often seen on the DTU shows. Appeared in the opening battle royal on the Arkangel 25th anniversary show and apparently was an Arkangel trainee who never got the nod to appear in CMLL. Appeared with more frequently in DTU in 2012, including winning their Alto Rendimiento championship. In 2013 he was wrestling in AAA, in opening matches. Flamita is a luchador proud of his heritage, naming moves after his family.

In 2013 came to Japan alongside Rocky Lobo to wrestle for Dragon Gate. Both Mexican luchadors were introduced as members of The Millenials. On December 5, 2013 won the Open The Triangle Gate Championship with Eita and T-Hawk, becoming the first Mexican to win a title in Dragon Gate. The Millenials lost the belts two weeks later in Fukuoka. In 2014, he became the first Mexican to win singles gold in Dragon Gate winning the Open The Brave Gate title, even defending it in DTU.

In July 2015, Flamita received the name Fireball in AAA. Appearing as a surprise wrestler. In 2016 briefly appeared as the new Octagón Jr. before dropping the gimmick & deciding to leave AAA to return to the indies after a much publicized altercation with Octagón. With Octagón being in a dispute with AAA over the rights to the Octagón name ever since leaving AAA, Octagón became upset that AAA created another Octagón Jr. which he did not endorse and decided to confront Flamita at an autograph signing and appereance where Octagón publicly unmasked him. Flamita decided to drop the name and left AAA. He eventually joined Lucha Libre Elite, return to Japan for Dragon Gate, joining the new group Tribe Vanguard and is very active on the Indie scene in Mexico.


as Mexico State Minis Champion
in DTU
DTU Alto Impacto Champion
Open The Brave Gate Champion
as Octagon Jr.
as Fireball Triple A


  1. 2014-09-17 Tercera Caída, Detrás de Cámaras

EitaFlamitaRocky LoboT-HawkU-TYosuke Santa Maria