Perros del Mal

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Perros del Mal (Dogs of Evil) are a CMLL rudo faction put together by Perro Aguayo Jr..

Core members are:

The group has a bit of outsider makeup: Perro, Hector, Aguila and now Shocker all jumped (seperately) from AAA, and Damian 666 and Halloween are considered as outsiders from Tijuana.

When the group initially formed, Blue Demon Jr. was part of the lineup, but he hasn't been in CMLL long enough to see if he's still part of the group and usually isn't mentioned. For a long period, it wasn't clear if Terrible was supposed to be a member of the group or just a guy who hung around with them, but it currently appears he's in.

Latin Lover appeared with the group, and posed wearing the Perros del Mal shirt, so it's expected he'll be a member of the group if/when he returns to wrestling.

For a time, Tarzan Boy teamed with members of the group and wore the Perros del Mal t-shirt for a time, but has since claimed he was never actually a member of the group.

Pierroth Jr. was a member of Perros del Mal, partially due to common enemies. When Pierroth feuded with Hector Garza and tried to stage a coup, he was turfed from the group, and Hector beat him in a hair match.

Perros del Mal has had rivalries with Los Hermanos Dinamita, Guerreros del Infierno and Mistico.

Despite being rudos, the group has a strong fan following and their t-shirts were popular for quite a while.

More: Wikipedia