Gato (Cat), El Rey De las Cadenas (king of the bull terrier match), El Rey Del Tenedor (king of the fork), El Diablo, El General, Padre de los Guerreros
Name history
El Gato (1969 - 1975), Arias Romero (1976 - 1977), Ari "Gato" Romero (1977 - ), Hussein El Gran Sheik/Gran Sheik (09/90 - 09/94), Shadow V (Big Japan), Karma (IWRG, 2002)
Ari Romero has had a long career, often wrestling in northern Mexico with runs in Mexico City and Japan. He was also well known for using a fork as a weapon to make his adversaries bleed on every match, and was feared in chain matches. He had he nickname "El Rey del Tenedor" for a long time,
Ari Romero was part of El Kux Kux Klan along with Flama Roja, and El Legionario in Juarez. (They are not the Kux Kux Klan that was numbered I, II, III - this group just used it as a name for their group, but kept their usual identities.)