Blue Demon Jr. was introduced, and portrayed for many years, as the son of Blue Demon. As time went on, and due to due the different skin colors, the story was changed to Blue Demon Jr. having been adopted by Blue Demon as a small child and raised as his son. Blue Demon's natural son, Alfredo Muñoz, did not have any interest in wrestling, so the gimmick was given to the adopted child with both children sharing in the profit.
The finical agreement has been a source of strife between Blue Demon's sons. Alfredo Muñoz owns the rights to the character, but Blue Demon Jr. made deals based on that name without involving Muñoz. In response, Muñoz has threatened to take away Demon Jr.'s right to use the gimmick. Just as damaging, Muñoz has claimed that Blue Demon Jr. is completely unrelated to Blue Demon family and not adopted, just a wrestler whom got the rights to portray Blue Demon in the ring (but not out of it.) Muñoz's explanation is Blue Demon Sr. did not want the name of Blue Demon to die, not when Santo's name was being passed to the next generation, so he found an outsider to carry on for him. Blue Demon Jr. has not publicly responded to these claims.
We've chosen to leave Blue Demon Jr. listed as 'adopted son' for the moment, but note it may be a worked relationship.
Muñoz's threat of taking the Blue Demon gimmick from Blue Demon Jr. has led to much speculation Blue Demon Jr. might lose his mask. A Demon loss was heavily rumored before his October '07 match with Espectro Jr., but they went with the original plan with of an Espectro Jr. loss.