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== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==
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{{Gallery||name=villanolemusI.jpg|caption= [[Lemus II]] [[Villano III]]& [[Lemus I]]   2005}}
{{Gallery||name=villanolemusI.jpg|caption= [[Lemus II]], [[Villano III]] & [[Lemus I]], 2005}}
{{Gallery||name=Pentagon.jpg|caption= [[Pentagon Black]] [[Lemus II]]& [[Hijo Del Diablo]]   2005}}
{{Gallery||name=Pentagon.jpg|caption= [[Pentagon Black]], [[Lemus II]] & [[El Hijo Del Diablo]], 2005}}
{{Gallery||name=Monje.jpg|caption= [[Mongol Chino Jr]], [[Difunto]], [[Lemus II]]& [[Androide]] 2005}}
{{Gallery||name=Monje.jpg|caption= [[Mongol Chino Jr.]], [[Difunto]], [[Lemus II]]& [[Androide]], 2005}}
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{{Gallery||name=Gatovolador.jpg|caption= [[Estrella Universal]] [[Lemus II]]& [[Gato Volador]]   2006}}
{{Gallery||name=Gatovolador.jpg|caption= [[Estrella Universal]], [[Lemus II]]& [[Gato Volador]], 2006}}
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{{Gallery||name=Lemusup.jpg|caption=  [[Lemus2]], 2007}}
{{Gallery||name=Lemusblack.jpg|caption= [["Pa Siempre"]] 2007}}
{{Gallery||name=Lemusblack.jpg|caption= "Pa Siempre" 2007}}
{{Gallery||name=Redcarpet.jpg|caption= [[Lemus2 At The Opening Of The "Museo Alameda"]] 2007}}
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Revision as of 15:17, 20 December 2007


Lemús II
Lemús II
Name Lemús II
Real name
Nicknames "The Menace from East L.A"
Name history Lemans (debut - 89) Lemús (89 - )
Family El Latino (brother), Lemús I (uncle), Juan Reynosa (cousin), Mad Dog Cruz (godfather)
Maestro(s) Mr Nuclear, Rebelde Blanco, Lemus I, El Judio,Arandu, El Horoscopo,Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Jose Lothario
Birth date, location July 20, 1967 - San Antonio, Texas
Obituary date
Debut, location October 26, 1986 - Arena Valadez - San Antonio, Texas, USA
Lost mask to
Signature moves One Time (modified Face Down Figure 4 Leg Lock)
Titles: UWA Junior Heavyweight champion (Texas version), UTW Heavyweight Champion, LLM Heavy Weight Champion, TXW Light Heavy Weight Champion, MAW Lucha Libre Heavyweight, Champion (3) PWI Tag Team Titles W/ Chief Battu


During 1984 & 1985 as a junior at "Burbank high school" Lemus' nephew had been training during the summer at the training facility of "Arena Cuatro Caminos" in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. He did this without the consent of his uncle who opposed to his nephew getting involved in the cutthroat business of lucha libre (mex, pro wrestling). When the summer training ended in Mexico, he returned back to San Antonio to continue training in the gym, and was able to become trained under the watchful eye of luchadores "Arandu and el Horoscopo". His godfather was an old time wrestling promoter by the name of "Mad Dog Cruz" (Roberto Solloa). Roberto promoted lucha libre shows in San Antonio, ran his own gym and recruited young talent at the famed Arena Valadez. The young student kept training until the end of his senior year and when summer hit he returned back to Nuevo Laredo. The wrestlers there told his uncle that the young man was "ready to go." This caught Lemus I by surprise because "the old nan" was not aware that his young nephew was being trained all along without his knowledge. All and all Lemus I was amazed and happy.

His first wrestling name was "Lemans" and started wearing a black mask with a red "Antifaz" (stripe) so that people would know he was related to "Lemus I" (Lemus I wore a black mask with gold Antifaz.) On October 26, 1986, in San Antonio, Texax, at the now defunct Arena Valadez (Promotion Owned By Mad Dog Cruz) "Lemans" made his official pro wrestling debut against old timer "El Yaki". This match didn’t last long as the old timer would not allow Lemans to showcase any skills through the whole match. In short, the youngster took a beating. However, at the end of the match, Yaki was DQ'd for taking Lemans’ mask off! After his debut match, Lemans had come to the conclusion that this for him was a hobby. He decided to pursue an education, just in case an injury cut his career short, so he enlisted in the United States Navy. Before departing for boot camp in December of 1986, he was voted "Rookie Of The Year" at Arena Valadez. While in the Navy and stationed aboard the "USS Pyro AE-24" in Vallejo, Ca, he competed in the ships amateur wrestling team. During his vacations, he would wrestle professionally. It was in 1989, while on leave, when Uncle Lemus I explained to his nephew that the dues were paid and that it was time for him to step up and seize the moment. Upon the insistence of old timer Sangre Chicana and Lemus I, Lemans was baptized as Lemus II and changed his mask to black and gold just like his uncle.

(Note; Before lemans would ever step into the ring, there was all ready a Lemus II, this Lemus II lost his mask in mexico city in a trios match and soon was out of the wrestling,business and so Lemus I then gave the name to his nephew)

Years after, while on active duty and still pursuing an education, Lemus II was stationed in Oakland, Ca and had a very very small stint for "All Pro Wrestling". He was able to acquire military orders to Los Angeles, where he was stationed for a year, still learning all he could about wrestling. Living in L.A for thiis young kid was tough: plenty Of gangs, cruising, living the chicano lifestyle, but Lemus II managed to stay out of trouble, and the only lesson learned was life on the streets. After A year and a half of being stationed in LA, and california in general, Lemus received military orders to Ingleside, Texas, for shore duty.

Universal Wrestling Alliance (UWA) was a small time promotion run by veteran wrestler, "Chuck West". It ran shows twice a month and employed a decent roster. Due to the lucha libre skills Lemus II possesed, West decided Lemus II would wrestle as a tecnico. Lemus II figured if Sangre Chicana claimed to be from Chicago, why not be from L.A? On the night of his first UWA match, he became "Lemus II From East L.A" In his initial matches, the Latin crowd enjoyed Lemus II as a tecnico and soon enough due to marketability, on behalf of West, Lemus II became so popular with "The Raza", he became The UWA Junior Heavyweight champion.

Things were going well soon after, with shows in San Antonio, Corpus, and into Mexico. He was even able to tag with his uncle Lemus I. Both Lemus I and II officially adopted the black mask with red antifaz (at times he uses gold and even blue.)

In 1998 the team of Lemus I and II began to work for "Jose Lothario and Shawn Michaels" PWI (Pro Wrestling International.) Lemus I was part time employed by AAA, so after their PWI run Lemus I began to wrestle extensively in Mexico. Lemus II would also become part of the UTW (Underground Texas Wrassling) roster where he would become the UTW champ. While working for different promotions such as UTW, STEW (South Texas Extreme Wrestling), The Menace From East L.A would find his roots and jumped to a smaller time promotion that presented "Lucha Libre"

LLM (Lucha Libre Mexicana) run by veteran Luchador "Salvaje Anguiano" was home to Lemus II. Working for a small time promotion like LLM meant back to school basics, a more in depth look at the psychology of wrestling in general, and, most of all, having fun. In recent years, while becoming part of the LLM Roster, Lemus II was also part of TXW (Texas Extreme Wrestling), where he was fortunate enough to win the TXW Light Heavyweight Title, and recently won the LLM title from old timer "El Horoscopo." In the years that Lemus II has been part of LLM, he has twice won "Rudo Of The Year" awards.

Lemus II is not a big time star, he's a decent hard worker, who went on to emulate the styles of "El Solitario" "Sangre Chicana" "Lemus Sr" to become rough, smart and with somewhat 80's traditional style. In short, as he says, "a conservative rudo"

After 10 Years of being in the Navy, which included two tours to the Persian gulf, Lemus II was honorably discharged from active duty in 1996. He quickly joined the naval reserve, also did one more tour in the middle east, and is also currently a deputy sheriff, working at the county jail. Lemus II has three kids, and a very supportive wife, Sandra (who’s always worried about him, whether he got hurt or not.) Lemus II still wrestles on small indy companies when given a chance as he is still known around the local circuits, thanks to the TV exposure Lothario and PWI gave him in 88-89. Recently Lemus II works for (MAW) Mexican American Wrestling, (TWA) Texas Wrestling ASSC and Div Del Norte (Nvo Laredo , Mexico)

For A More Insight Look At Lemus I And II Check Out The Bios At lemusdos.com

--Compiled By Jose Fernandez And LemusII

Luchas de apuestas record

Date Apuesta Winner(s) Loser(s) Arena and/or Place
2005/??/?? Mask Lemús II Krazzy Soul Arena Siglo 21 - Nuevo Laredo, Mex
2005/??/?? Mask Lemus II El Crazzy Texas Wrestling Entertainment


w/ Abdullah the Butcher 2004
w/ El Latino & Rudy Russo, 2005
w/ CMLL's El Olimpico, 2005
Lemus II, Villano III & Lemus I, 2005
Pentagon Black, Lemus II & El Hijo Del Diablo, 2005
Mongol Chino Jr., Difunto, Lemus II& Androide, 2005
w/ Super Astro, 2006

Estrella Universal, Lemus II& Gato Volador, 2006
w/ Blue Demon Jr., 2007
w/ Sicodelico Jr., 2007
w/ Salomon Grundy, 2007
Lemus2, 2007
"Pa Siempre" 2007
Lemus II At The Opening Of The "Museo Alameda", 2007