Ashley Grace

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Ashley Grace
Ashley Grace
Name Ashley Grace
Real name Ashley Grace
Name history Ashley Grace
Family none
Maestro(s) Socal Crazy, Tommy Wilson, Anchor Away
Birth date, location October 11, 1995 - Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Obituary date
Debut, location October 11, 2014 - Oceanside, California
Lost mask to
Height 5'2
Weight 105 lbs
Signature moves Frankensteiner, Huracanrana, Octopus Stretch, Missile Dropkick, Sliced Bread #2, Headscissors
Titles: NWA Supreme Women's Championship, AOW Women's Championship, AOW Tag Team Championship (w/?)


Her main trainers were SoCal Crazy, Tommy Wilson and Anchors Away. She technically prepared her entire life for wrestling because she has always been an athlete. She trained in wrestling for 6 months before her debut.

She debuted on her 19th birthday, October 11,2014, in Oceanside Ca, in a Royal Rumble match. She believes it was the best time for her to debut considering not only was her birthday but all her friends and family were there. She will never forget it. Her wrestling style is high flying Lucha Libre.

She had wrestled for SoCal Pro Wrestling, EWF, BCW, NPW, Lucha Pro, Sabotage Wrestling, OCCW, FCW, FITE, CWFH, CWFA, BTW, APW, NPW, Midgetmania, NWA Supreme, UEW, AOW, D6W, and more. She wrestled in Mexico with Revolucion Lucha Independiente (RLI). On June 28, 2015 she wagered her hair in the RLI Prision[1] in Arena Nacionalista.


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