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Juan Conrado Aguilar Jáuregui was born on Tuesday, November 26, 1958, in a Cachanilla colonia of Mexicali, the capital city of Baja California Norte, Mexico's northwestern-most state. At the age of 13 years, 2 months, and 6 days, on February 1, 1972, Aguilar had his debut match in the nearby (well, 100 miles, but it is the closest large city) town of San Luis Rio Colorado, in Sonora state, just across the USA border from Yuma, Arizona. Debuting at that age was rare, but not unheard of either - Súper Astro and El Rey Misterio junior debuted in Tijuana at similar ages. For pride-of-place reasons, Texano always had a Western or Cowboy theme to his ring presentation, and on that night, he debuted under a hood as 'Billy the Kid.' Later, he changed his ring name to Roy Navarro, a name taken from his favorite uncle, and trained under Mexicali trainer Caudillo II (Manuel Hernández Flores). From the get-go, Texano was a big success in Tijuana and Mexicali as a young high flier not unlike a Mistico of today, or a Colibri (later Rey Misterio junior) of yesterday. Once or twice, 'Roy Navarro' even appeared on cards in Arena Coliseo from EMLL. EMLL was responding to the UWA 1975 split by heavily pushing younger lighter guys like Fishman, Satoru Sayama, Sangre Chicana, and the like, and was asking regional promoters in Mexico to recommend young fliers. From time to time, he was also billed as 'El Vaquero,' 'Juan El Texano,' or 'Johnny Texas.' But after one of the shows in Mexico City, a very well-respected lucha libre magazine writer named Héctor Valero Maré took Juan aside and suggested 'El Texano' as a ring name instead of 'Roy Navarro' or 'El Vaquero" and Juan agreed.

Articles Worth Reading

We've been adding more information on a variety of wrestlers; take a look at the New Pages List, and also the Mexican, foreign, and uncertain bio sections. The site includes profiles of 6,600 Mexican wrestlers, 1,940 non-Mexican wrestlers and 1,023 wrestlers we're not sure where they're from.

There's a wide array of articles besides profiles. Check out the Lucha Dictionary for a quick definition of terms, Lucha Television Information to find out where lucha shows air in your part of the world, and our Matches category for summaries of matches.

How do I Help?

If you'd like to edit pages or create some new ones, we've just added some basic instructions. Click on Help at any time to learn how to make a new page, how to link to a page, how to use the profile template, and more. (And if you're an expert user, feel free to add to that help page with your own hints.) We've also got a Sandbox, where anyone can test or practice things without consequence.

A list of bios we're particularly hopeful of adding is on the To do page, but make sure you read the Rules page before you do any editing.


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Editors: the Sandbox is still around.